Saying Goodbye

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The ship touched down with a thump and Reinard let go of the chair. No one moved for a moment, everyone lost in their own thoughts. If the time remained frozen, the Faro wouldn’t have to deal with what came next.

With a sigh, Artemis stood up, breaking the moment.

“It’s midday right now,” he said. “Reinard, we need to get you a translator. And Elias needs a pair of glasses. I’ve been putting that off for far too long.”

Reinard knew what the tiger was doing. If they didn’t get moving now, they would be stuck waiting for something to happen. Artemis took the plunge, breaking their silence. Reinard appreciated it, but he also hated the tiger at that moment.

“We’ll call Eigal to pick us up, and he can bring the rest of your things,” Ceirel said, standing.

“Thank you,” Reinard said quietly.

“You know, you can talk to someone about your problems. You don’t have to run away-”

“I’m not running away from my problems Mara. And no amount of talking is going to change my mind about this.”

It was the same song and dance they had done for the past month. And as tiring as it was, Reinard knew it was all because Ceirel loved him.

If he didn’t annoy Reinard, would he even be his Mara?

They stepped off the ship and Artemis headed toward the Dalmar who made the vessel, leaving Reinard with his clan.

“Well, I guess this is it,” he said.

Ceirel nodded with a sigh.


Neistar embraced his ardai tightly.

“You take care. Come home sometime soon, okay?”

Reinard nodded, tears in his eyes. He turned to Ceirel and embraced his Mara.

“I promise I’ll visit. And this time it won’t take me ten years.”

He didn’t want to leave. Not for the first time, Reinard wondered if he was making a mistake. Maybe he should just stay with his clan and deal with the jolt of fear and anger that came every time he saw a Dalmar.

A hand touched his back gently.

“We’ll take care of him,” Elias said beside the Faro, and Reinard smiled slightly.

“I know I’m in safe hands,” he said. “I love you. Both of you.”

Artemis returned to the group, motioning to Elias.

“I should probably get going,” Reinard sighed.

But still he stood with his clan, drawing this out.

“Get going you,” Ceirel said finally.

Reinard took a step back, and like that the spell was broken. He turned and stepped after Artemis. Turning his head, the Faro cast one last look at his clan.

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