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Sophie sighed in satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment washing over her as she took in the expanse of the room once more. She had to admit she'd done a fine job. Although she hadn't been the one that had decorated the place and all, she was immensely proud of herself for having organized the whole event.

"Looking good, Soph."

Sophie turned around and flashed a huge grin at Ama who'd complimented her. Sophie knew Ama wasn't referring to herself because she didn't believe she was looking anything out of the ordinary so she deduced Ama was referring to the beautifully decorated living area they were currently standing in, amongst other people.

"Angel is definitely going to love it," Ama concluded with a nod.

"I hope so. We've gone to such great lengths to keep this from her."

It was ridiculous of her to feel nervous, but she did. It was Angel's birthday and she had been fuming all morning because apparently no one cared about her enough to throw her a party or get her gifts. Her dad had made it even worse when he'd told her there wasn't anything special about turning twelve and she would be getting a party only when she turned fifteen. The murderous look on Angel's face at that moment had Sophie shuddering visibly. She had felt the intense need to smack Alex on the head. They were keeping the party as a surprise for Angel but he really hadn't needed to rile her up like that.

Everything had worked according to plan though because Raymond had offered to take Angel out for a treat, if only to calm her down before she gave in to whatever was brewing in her mind that minute. She'd grudgingly agreed although on the condition that her father come with as well. In that space of time, they'd managed to get the decorator and the necessary people in and also gotten through to those they'd invited for the party-- most of which were Angel's friends from school.

When she'd broached the subject of throwing a surprise party for Angel, she hadn't expected Alex to give in easily, knowing how he felt about his own birthday so she'd been extremely surprised and pleased when he'd simply nodded and admitted he had been thinking about it as well. He'd eventually told her he'd go with whatever she had in mind to do. His therapy sessions had really been paying off and he was more open everyday than the day before.

"She's going to, for sure," Ama reassured her. For the past few months, Angel had been spending most of her weekends with Sophie and Ama. Ama had grown very fond of Angel, a far cry from the bratty image she'd initially had of the girl.

They'd long since moved out of their one room apartment and had gotten a two bedroom apartment instead. About a month after Alex had been discharged from the hospital, Dr Andrew had called her up one day and offered her a job at their hospital. The offer had shocked her because she had not seen it coming. Alex had denied having anything to do with it and Andrew had confirmed the same. She however had her doubts because some weeks prior, Alex had consistently bugged her about moving out of her former apartment and she'd assured him she would do that when she had the means to and had also refused his offer of getting her one instead so it was suspicious she'd gotten a juicy offer a few weeks after, and from his best friend. Andrew had reassured her however that she wouldn't have gotten the job if they hadn't at least thought she was qualified.

"So, are we all set? No one else is coming?" Ama asked.

"I'm expecting Hope to show up but fingers crossed on that one," Sophie replied with a shrug.

"Fingers crossed, why? She adores Angel." Ama pointed out, confusion marring her face.

"Oh, she does. But you know how she is around Raymond now," Sophie said, laughing.

"Ooooh." Ama started laughing as well as realization seeped in.

Alex's family and hers had gotten quite close, especially Angel and Hope. The two acted like kids gifted candy whenever they saw each other. Alex hadn't been able to put off meeting her family for long, especially after they'd found out about their relationship, courtesy of Ama's running mouth. Her mum had insisted on meeting him and he had known better than to refuse.

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