Chapter 27

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Ama is going to kill me. The words kept recurring in her head as Sophie rang the Adams' doorbell. But then, it was way safer than thinking about what was waiting at the other side of the door.

She had spent the better part of the day with her family, trying and failing miserably to push the phone call she'd exchanged with Raymond out of her mind. She had thought herself successful until her mum and sister had called her out on her distraction and she had to admit she wasn't getting any peace if she didn't satisfy her curiosity.

So here she was-- in the devil's den and seriously doubting her decision. What would be their reactions on seeing her? Why was it so hard for her to stay away?

The door swung open, revealing a bored looking Angel. Her countenance immediately changed to that of immense pleasure when she saw who it was and she flung herself at Sophie.

Sophie's heart tugged at the gesture and she wrapped her arms around the girl, slouching to place a quick peck on the crown of her head. "Hi, my love."

"Aunt Sophie!" Angel called excitedly then just as quickly, she tugged herself free of the embrace, pouting and crossing her arms indignantly. "I'm so mad at you!"

Sophie couldn't contain the silly grin that took over her face even though she knew it wasn't helping her case. Unsurprisingly, Angel's face formed a huge scowl, although the corner of her mouth was tipped into a smile. She was just too cute.

"I'm sorry, baby." Sophie didn't have to ask why she was 'mad' but Angel felt the need to tell her anyway.

"How could you just leave like that? You didn't even say goodbye to me."

Sophie's smile fell at the slight quiver of the girl's lips. She hadn't considered how her actions must have hurt Angel but then, it wasn't as if she'd had everything planned out.

Helpless and at a loss of what to say, she murmured, "I'm sorry, baby. I came back, didn't I?" Maybe that wasn't entirely true but she felt the strong urge to redeem herself with the girl. She hoped her repentant face and earnest expression were convincing enough.

Angel's eyes assessed her for a breathless moment then she huffed. "We'll see about that." The initial excitement had dimmed and she clearly wasn't in a forgiving mood just yet.


Angel held a hand up, simultaneously shaking her head. In a bossy voice, she said, "We'll discuss this when I'm satisfied you're really back."

Sophie winced. She wasn't, but she wasn't about to tell Angel that so she just nodded. It looked like that forgiveness would have to wait.

Angel spared her a small smile. "Good. Now that that's said, dad and uncle Raymond have been acting weird. I'm so glad you're here." She was retreating back into the house as she spoke and when she stopped, they were in the living room. It looked exactly like it had the day she'd left-- not that she expected anything to have changed-- and a sense of familiarity washed over her, bringing with it some kind of peace.

Before she had the chance to ask Angel what she meant exactly, the girl called out, "Dad! Uncle Raymond! Aunt Sophie is here!"

The peace she felt was short lived. It was as if her heart was going to burst the way it was thudding heavily against her chest. She had come on impulse and hadn't really given herself time to think it through, knowing she would most likely chicken out if she did. It was like she couldn't stand by one decision whenever Alex was involved.

Her back instantly tensed the moment she heard descending footsteps. Slowly, her gaze shifted so it was now focused on Alex who was standing just shy of the last step. He was wearing a white round neck and grey shorts and he looked so good.

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