Chapter 8

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Sophie's hand was poised to ring the doorbell at the Adams' residence but her hands froze mid air.

It really couldn't be what she was thinking, right? There was no way it could be...

The door swung open suddenly and she came face to face with Angel who rolled her eyes at her.

"You've been standing there for ages already. Are you coming in or not?"

How did she even know she was outside? Frowning, Sophie stepped in. "Where's your dad?"

Angel shrugged as she shut the door and went back to watching TV, ignoring her.

Sophie sighed, walked over to his study and knocked.

"Yes?" His voice called from inside.

"It's Sophie," she called back.

"What are you doing here? Raymond told me you weren't coming in today."

"Yes, I wasn't but I have something to discuss with you. Can I come in?"

He took a moment before answering, "fine."

Sophie hesitantly turned the doorknob, nervous for some reason. There was only one chair but he had some books on it and he didn't make any attempt at removing them, neither did he invite her to sit so she was left standing in front of him, wriggling her hands. She had no idea how to bring the matter up.

He raised his brows at her. "You said you had something to talk to me about?"

"Yes, I...I was just wondering--"

"Is this about your sister's surgery?" he asked, cutting her off.

"It really was you?!"

"Yes, I'm the one that offered to fly your sister abroad."

Sophie stared at him, dumbfounded. Him?

"You? But why would you... How did you even know about her?"

"I overheard your discussion with Raymond."

"You were eavesdropping on us?" she asked, mildly offended.

"As if." He didn't offer any other explanation after that leading her to suspect he'd really been spying on them.

She didn't even bother asking how he'd found the hospital her sister was at. "Why would you want to help me? You don't even like me."

He shrugged. "I'd have done the same for anyone else. It wasn't personal, Sophia."

Sophia. No one really called her that. She liked the sound of her full name on his lips. Wait, what?

Sophie mentally chastised herself, she must be developing mental illness or something.

"Would you have though?" she muttered.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know, alright?" She said, her hands rising and falling in frustration. "I just don't believe you'll do so much for me without wanting anything in return."

"Have you been deceived your whole life?" He asked, rubbing his hands on his face. "Look, I'm doing this because I'm in a position where I can help you. Nothing more, nothing less. If you're uncomfortable with it, then..." He let his words trail off.

She didn't really believe he didn't have an ulterior motive but on the other hand, he was offering her the best medical attention her sister could possibly get. How could she say no to that?

"Thank you," she whispered so low she was surprised he heard.

He nodded.

"I'll be sure to pay you back."

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