Chapter 5

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The next week flew by quickly and uneventfully. Sophie managed to steer clear of both father and daughter although it wasn't because she'd tried so hard. She hardly saw Alex except when he had to eat or take his drugs; he was almost always in his room or study and even then he hardly ever spoke to her. Angel on the other hand only had enough time to eat breakfast before going to school with the school bus and usually wasn't back any lesser than five pm, exhausted and hungry with a ton of homework that she hardly had time to make Sophie's life hell like she promised. That didn't mean she didn't try though 'cause she did play silly pranks on Sophie, more than once.

Sophie resumed six thirty am everyday so she could make a light breakfast for Angel before she had to go to school. Thankfully, they served free lunch at their school. Raymond usually left shortly after then it was just her and Alex.

She'd make breakfast for him, ensure he took his drugs, watch TV, cook lunch, his drugs then back to TV. She'd offered to start cleaning the house too but Raymond had declined her help on that. She'd also started preparing dinner though Alex didn't eat, he mostly took fruits in the evenings when it was time to take his drugs but that was all.

Raymond had tried contacting the house help agency they used but news about what terror Angel was must have spread because no one wanted to come work for them anymore. She assured him she didn't mind though, they sometimes made dinner together whenever he returned early and she usually ate there before going home.

Soon enough, it was time for Alex's check up at the hospital. He hadn't wanted her to go with him although how he'd been planning to go to the hospital by himself on a wheelchair was beyond her. The doctor had insisted she come and he'd grudgingly agreed. Sophie had a feeling the doctor had something on him.

Surprisingly, it wasn't Dr. Andrew that examined him but an older doctor. Taking advantage of the fact that Alex was in the examination room, Sophie decided to get some answers from Dr. Andrew.

"Doctor, I noticed his drugs are without labels and I don't recognize some of them."

He seemed surprised but recovered quickly, "Yes, but that was mostly because of Alex. He's a very stubborn man. I was afraid if he knew the names of the drugs he was taking, he'd stab the hospital entirely and start getting them himself."

That seemed plausible. It definitely sounded like something Alex could do. Sophie nodded although for some reason she didn't believe that was all. There was something else the doctor wasn't telling her.

"Will he be off drugs after the three months is over?"

"Most likely, yes."

"Will he be able to walk again?"

For some reason, the doctor laughed at that. Still smiling, he answered her, "Yes, he will."

Sophie nodded, relieved for some reason.

"You can leave and come back later. They're going to take a while."

"How long?"

"A few hours," the doctor replied. He continued at the look she was giving him, "They're going to do a scan, then he's going to see a physiotherapist. You don't have to wait for all that. Just go get some fresh air. I'll call you when he's about done."

"Alright, thank you doctor," Sophie said as she stood up. She decided to call Ama and see if she wanted to hang out. That was one advantage of having an unemployed friend.

* * *
Raymond called a few hours later to let her know he was at the hospital and would be driving his brother home so she didn't have to return and could go home. Since it was a Saturday, she didn't have to go back till Monday. Ama was thrilled at the news.

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