Chapter 30

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Third Person P.O.V

Sophia groaned as someone kicked the chair she was tied to. Opening her eyes Sophia rolls them.

Keon stood in front of her with a smile.

"Hello Luv," he smirks.

"Are you serious Keon, do you not know the meaning of, I don't want you, you kidnapped me for what?" Sophia relaxes slightly knowing it's just Keon.

"I love you Sophia and I know you love me too, you're just in denial,"

"Keon, I understand that you're obsessed but can you do it to someone else? I don't have time for your shenanigans," she rolls her eyes.

"That's why I'm so infatuated with you, I kidnapped you and you still think I'm playing games, that mouth will get you killed babe," he smirks.

"Let me ask you this Keon, why are you so in love with me? Since when do you chain up the person you love? Especially this tight my wrist is gonna bruise,"

"I love the way you talk, I love your voice, your body, your personality, you're one of a kind and just my type, as for the chains, I'm sorry but they're needed," he forcefully grabs her chin and kisses her cheek.

"I have two surprises for you, which do you want first?" He puts his hands behind his back.

"I would like some water, and maybe some pizza," she shrugs.

Her stomach grumbles and Keon pouts.

"Get some cold water and a sandwich for my love," he instructs.

One of the men leaves the room and comes back with a maid. The maid had a sandwich on a plate and bottled water.

She fed Sophia the sandwich and then the water. She drank the whole thing.

"So, why after all these years you now kidnap me? I was out in the open many times and I have been to a lot of balls," Sophia questioned.

She wondered, why now? What made him choose this specific time.

"Actually before you got married I was looking all over for you, I thought you moved because I got the word you went to London after high school, I went there searching but eventually I gave up, something stirred in me one day so I came back to New York, then I heard it, Sophia Russo getting married," he chuckled.

"That really put you on the radar, do you know how much people wanted you dead? It was a stupid move to make the wedding announcement public, after that I began keeping tabs on you, then I stumbled across an old friend who decided to help me, he has a revenge plan of his own," he explained.

He signaled for one of his men to bring someone in.

The person walked in smugly.

Someone she thought she'd never see again.

Aaron Contorski.

The one man she didn't kill.

Her chest began to feel tight but she sat there seeming cool on the outside.

"Did you miss me?" He asks slyly.

"Nah, I do miss my husband though," she rudely says.

She takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. She sees Keon's smirk falls at the mention of Enzo.

"Keon, this man hurt me so bad, do you want to know the reason I could be with you? Because he made me scared of boys," Sophia gave him a look of desperation.

Keon watched her with sympathy and Aaron with hatred.

"H-he did things to me, that I would've only let you do, I did like you K but after what he did I could see boys the same, I thought all of you were like him," she stuttered, bowed her head, and shook her shoulders.

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