Chapter 15

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Sophia's P.O.V

Enzo takes me to a normal restaurant. We sit and just take in our surroundings.

"Wanna finish the 5 questions?" He asks me.

"Yeah but let's start over," I say.

Before we could start a waitress comes over and when she sees Enzo she pulls her shirt down.

I roll my eyes.

She slightly bends down so he can see her cleavage.

I watch him carefully.

"What would you like to order sir?" She asks in a squeaky voice.

He turns his head away from me and looks at her. His eyes I'll with lust and he stares at her boobs. He licks his lips.

He smirks, "Are you on the menu?" He flirts and she giggles.

That stung a bit.

I actually thought he wanted to be with me. I guess I was wrong. This is why I never let my guard down. I abruptly stand up. He sees this and clenches his jaw.

Resisting the urge to slapping him cause I don't condone domestic abuse,  I walk out and begin walking down the street.

"Sophia wait!"

I continue walking. I don't want to hear his excuses. I know I'm not that pretty but he didn't have to flirt in front of my face.

I eventually hear nobody calling my name. I walk until I see a bus stop and I sit on the bench. I take out my phone to call Jaiden but Enzo's car pulls up.

He gets out and comes to sit next to me.

"Look Sophia I'm sorry, it's a habit to flirt I honestly didn't mean to hurt you I didn't know you were this soft," he says in a gentle voice.

Soft? Never.

"I'm not sad Enzo, I'm mad because I feel disrespected," that wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"I didn't want to get married and be a laughing stock because my husband can't keep it in his pants, you're married now Enzo, act like it," I get up and sit in the passenger seat.

I buckle up as he comes into the car.

"I'm-" he starts but I hold up my hand.

"I don't want the I'm sorry's Enzo I want change if this marriage is going to work there has to be change," I say.

I lean my head against the glass and look at the buildings zoom by.

I still have the recruits to train at 2 pm tomorrow. Then I have to go to the warehouse to check if everything is in order. Two new maids have to be hired because two were killed last week because they were traitors. I have a lot to do.

My period came yesterday. I have a headache and back pain. My boobs feel sore and my vagina is hurting. I just want some ice cream and a box of cookies.

I release a sigh as we pull up to the mansion. He puts in the passcode and we drive-in. He drops me off at the entrance then goes to park in the garage.

I walk into chaos.

Zuri is on Luca's back while Parker is on Hunter's back while they run around and chicken fight with pool noodles.

Daniel and Jaiden are building a fort.

There are cushions scattered all over the ground. 

I am so aggravated already, I can't deal with them being playful right now. I ascend the stairs quietly and go to my room. I take off the dress, remove my makeup and jewelry, tie my hair in a bun and step into the shower.

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