Chapter 13

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Her dress above...


The Wedding Day

Sophia's P.O.V

Standing in the mirror I examine myself. My brown hair is curled, my face is made up with a smokey eye, and my dress is falling neatly.

My palms feel clammy and my breathing is uneven.

I'm nervous.

I didn't think getting married would be such a big thing. It's an arranged one after all so I shouldn't feel like this, but I do because it ties me and Enzo together for life.

I can't divorce him. I have to stay married to him for life. If I want a split I can move but by law, we'll still be married.

I heard a soft knock and the door opened revealing my sister and Amelia. My sister was still on crutches because of her leg.

Her rib was healing well she just can't move a lot. She had on a knee-length, off-the-shoulder, dark blue dress with lace sleeves.

Amelia was wearing a long, sleeveless, dark purple dress and she looked gorgeous.

They smiled softly at me.

"I wish they were here," I say picking at my lace sleeves.

I want my dad to walk me down the aisle and my mom to give me a pep talk.

"I know sweety but I know they would be so happy to see the woman you've become," Amelia hugs me.

"Yeah sis, you're a badass, mom and dad would be proud," my sister nudges my side.

I lightly laugh. There's another knock on the door.

Luca opens it, "We're starting," she says.

Amelia walks out with Zuri.

I flatten my dress and take a few deep breaths. I exit the room and see Alessandro waiting for me. He'll be walking me down the aisle in place of my father.

The groom's and bridesmaids go down, Enzo's little cousin Connor and my little cousin Grace walk down the aisle as ring bearer and flower girl. The 'here comes the bride' music begins and I walk with my head held high.

The blue and white decorations make me feel like a princess. I see Enzo but he isn't looking at me. He's looking at my female cousins in the front row.

I roll my eyes.

Alessandro hands me off and when Enzo's eyes connect with mine they widen. He looks at my face in awe and clears his throat looking away.

The ceremony starts and we get to the I do's.

"Do you Sophia Liliana Russo take Enzo Kai Inferno, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The marriage officiant asks.

I look Enzo straight in his eyes and say "I do,"

"Do you Enzo Kai Inferno take Sophia Liliana Russo to be you lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He asks Enzo.

"I do," he says with a sigh.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," he smiles.

Enzo leans in and my eyes flutter close. His soft lips press against mine. His strong hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck.


Cheers are heard around us and we pull apart to catch our breaths. We stare into each other eyes breathing heavily until the officiant clears his throat.

We untangle from each other and just hold hands.

I awkwardly clear my throat.

"I give you Mr. and Mrs. Inferno," he claps.

We start walking down that aisle again to the ballroom. Everyone was clapping around us.

We arrive in the ballroom and take our seats. Everyone else took their seats in their assigned places. All the seats are mixed so there are people from my mafia and Enzo's mixed together.

Our guests and any other mafia have their own tables.

"We have Jaiden Anderson giving the first speech," the announcer said.

Jaiden walks up and smiles at me.

"Evening everyone, I just wanna say congratulations to the newlyweds, Sophia I'm really happy for you, I hope you find peace and love in this marriage," he says raising his glass.

A lot of people come on to say congratulations.

The dancing starts and Enzo and I have the first dance.

I put one hand in his and another on his shoulder while he put on in mine and another on my waist. We dance to the music and coming to the end I put my hands around his neck and we sway. I lean into him and smell his cologne. He has a husky smell that I can't describe, but I like it.

Alessandro walks up to us," Can I cut in?" He asks Enzo.

Enzo nods and passes me onto his father. I put my hand in his with the other one on his shoulder and we move about to the music.

"Do you know why we picked you to marry Enzo Sophia?" He asks.

I shake my head and he continues.

"It's because you can change him, most women just want him for sex and money but they fear him. You Sophia, you don't cower away and I know you will stand your ground if Enzo puts up a fight, A King needs a Queen by his side and you're her," he tells me.

"What if I'm not meant to be a Queen? What if I fail?" I ask him.

I never want to disappoint anyone and I don't know if I can run it with someone else and such a big mafia.

I have my way of doing things that might be different from Enzo's we might clash heads and the mafia could fall in rank.

"If you fail you try again, you try and try, till you get the hang of running an organization this large," he motions with his head to look at the crowd, "Everyone either adores you or fears you, you have them under your power now, you're their queen,"

The music stops and I hug him.

"Thanks," I whisper.

I walk off the dance floor and head back to the room to change. I don't plan on staying in this long dress. I plan on dancing my life away tonight.


This chapter was short. I don't know why they keep coming short. The next chapter is hopefully long there will be more Enzo and Sophia convos for the next few chapters.

Byee lovies~ Sam♡

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