Chapter 25

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Cato's POV:

As I started opening my eyes, I noticed the stinging feeling that started spreading across my body. At first, it didn't hurt too much, but it really started to hurt after a few minutes. I opened my eyes and jumped up when I realised that the stings were from tracker jackers.

I grabbed my sword that laid on the floor and started bolting away from the area. Clove was running in front of me, but for some reason, she seemed to be running up the trees. I looked back and saw Marvel behind me. Before I knew what was happening, he turned into a large ape.

I heard a large shriek for help before all of the surroundings started changing colour. The trees were no longer brown and green, but a vibrant purple and pink. The ground was spotted with large dots that looked as if it would swallow me. I ran as fast as I could until we reached our camp.

I stopped and took a few deep breaths before seeing Lover boy run back into the forest. I wasn't sure if it was real or an illusion, but I followed it. I ran towards the direction he went in and saw him talking to Fire girl and telling her to run.

He turned around and the sound of my heavy footsteps. I rose my sword and sliced his leg. The cut was definitely deep and he would either bleed to death or he would be too slow to run away from someone trying to kill him.

Everything started turning and everything was out of focus. I felt someone place their arm around me and start dragging me before completely blacking out.

I looked around the dark space that I seemed to be trapped in. It was like a glass box. A masked person wearing black walked into the light, a small girl behind him. He threw the small girl forward and I immediately recognised her as Cassandra. He took a large knife and stabbed her right in the heart.

She fell to the ground as I screamed. I banged on all of the walls, but nothing budged. I needed to save her, but there was no way out of this box. I saw Clove next, but Thresh was holding her, a katana to her throat. I knew what was going to happen. I tried to scream and protest, but it had seemed that I had lost my voice. I tried to break every wall, but nothing worked. Before I knew it, Thresh had killed Clove.

Next my mother stood in front of me, smiling at me like ahe was so proud. She placed her hand on the glass and I pressed mine against hers. I heard a gunshot and she died. Her blood splatter on one of the walls of the box and she slowly slid down to the ground. I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't help them and I couldn't even scream.

They were all lined up, dead on the floor. They were laying in a pool of all of their blood. Tears streamed down my face as I collapsed on the floor. The people that I cared about most were dead.

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. The sun shone brightly down at me. I stirred slightly before turning over on my back.

"Good to see you're finally awake." A voice that was too deep to be Clove's said.

"How long was I out?" I said as I stood up.

"Only a few hours."

"Where are the others?" I asked, while trying to spot them.

"Glimmer and Anastasia didn't make it. They died from the tracker jackers." He said as he looked down.

"Where's Clove?" I asked worriedly as I looked around.

"Chill, she's over by the tent. I moved her there since it was too sunny."

"Why didn't you move me?"

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