Chapter 12

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Clove's POV:

I woke the next day with a smile on my face. It was strange, since I don't usually smile. I slipped on a maroon shirt, black jeans and my leather jacket. I aggressively shove my training clothes into my bag and walk down the stairs.

"How was your date honey?" Mum called from the dining room.

"It was okay." I said as I grabbed a banana and sat down.

"You better get to school, so that you're not late." Mum said as I finished the banana.

"Bye mum." I called as I walked out the door.

"Bye sweetie." She called back. I walked to school and Joan quickly caught up with me.

"Hey Clove. How was your date?" She said as she pushed me slightly.

"It was fine." I said simply.

"I'm sure that it was more than fine. Is Cato really as good of a kisser as people say?" She asked curiously.

"I wouldn't know, I didn't even know that he was a good kisser."

"Seriously? You went out with Cato Hadley and you don't kiss him?" She questioned.


"He's like a god among the girls in our district. I can't believe that you didn't kiss him." She said as we arrived at school. I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards my locker.

When I arrived at my locker, I felt two large hands place themselves on my shoulders. "Hey Clover." Cato's said from behind me.

"Hey Cato." I said as I turned to face him.

"Want me to walk you to class?" He asked with a large smile.

"Sure." I said. He held my hand as we walked and it kind of felt nice to have someone with me. I think that we might've looked a little strange since he's more then a head taller than me, but  I guess that didn't matter. Most of the girls shot glares at me as we passed,?but one of the blonde girls walked up to us.

"Hey Cato." She said as she stood in front of us.

"Chloe." He said as he held my hand a little tighter.

"I'm glad that you found someone to be with permanently." She said with a small smile. I wasn't sure if she was happy for him or mad at me.

"Thanks Chloe." He said, surprised. She smiled at him one more time before looking at me with a smaller smile and leaving.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Just a girl that I know." He said vaguely.

"Did you used to go out?"

"Not really. She's just one of those girls that I would've flirted with, maybe kissed, but nothing more." He said like it was nothing. I let it go and we continued to walk to class.

Throughout class, I kept thinking about what Cato had said. What does he meant by someone he flirted with and kissed? Is that what I am to him? How many girls has he done this to? I snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I rushed out of the classroom and went straight to my locker. When it's lunch, you're meant to stay in the school but everyone leaves anyways.

"Hey Clover." A deep voice said from behind me.

"Hi Cato." I said without turning around.

"You want to go out and have lunch?"

"Sure." We started walking towards the doors, but a voice stopped us.

"Clove." Joan called.

"Are you guys going out to lunch together?" She asked when she reached us.

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