xxviii. the death of snow

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THE TWO BLONDES HAD BEEN RETRIEVED FROM TIGRIS' STORE. Neither of them have really been briefed on much, only that Katniss, Gale and Jace are safe and alive and that Snow has been captured. The fact that he is in captivity and unable to hurt anybody else brings her joy. Now, the entire group of remaining victors are together in a room with Coin seated at the head of the table.

Elena can not help but sneak glances at Annie who looks like she has been crying for a long period of time. Finnick was Annie's everything, who she relied on to help her stay sane. She can only imagine how much harder this is for her.

"What is this?" Katniss asks as she walks into the room with a small frown on her face. Her eyes stray over all of the people in the room and it's Haymitch who speaks up.

"We're not sure," Haymitch comments casually. "It appears to be a gathering of the remaining victors,"

"Sit down please Katniss," Coin interjects. "I've asked you here to settle a debate. Today we will execute Snow,"

Elena feels a sense of relief flying through her entire body. The man who is responsible for so many deaths is about to meet his maker. He will die for all those people he has killed.

Everett, Finnick — every single tribute who was forced to fight others, other children.

"In previous weeks, hundreds of his accomplices in the oppression of Panem have been tried and now await their deaths. However, the suffering in the districts has been so extreme that these measures appear insufficient to the victims," Coin continues.

Elena worries about what is flying through that woman's mind, she seems vicious and cruel which is exactly like Snow. Whilst she hopes to give the woman the benefit of the doubt, she's fearful of what is coming.

"So an alternative has been placed on the table. A majority of four will approve," Coin speaks to the Victors and the blonde stares at her. "What has been proposed is that in lieu of eliminating the entire Capitol population, we have a final, symbolic Hunger Games, using the children directly related to those who held most power,"

"No," Elena's immediate reaction is to deny the idea. How could they believe this is a good idea?

"I will not let those children go through what I did, no matter who they're related to. Why should Snow's granddaughter have to die for the things he has done?" Elena's voice is strong and if Jace were in the room, he'd be proud that she stood up for herself.

"I agree! We can't have another Hunger Games," Peeta agrees with the girl.

"Why not?" Johanna interrupts. "It seems fair to me,"

"So do I. Let them have a taste of their own medicine," Enobaria speaks.

"You cannot be serious. You want to murder more innocent children? You want to condemn more people to die a cruel and horrid death like the people we love? It's not plausible and quite frankly, I'm disgusted that you suggested it," Elena hisses angrily, her passion shining through.

"I vote no with Peeta and Elena," Annie adds on. "So would Finnick if he were here,"

"But he isn't because Snow's mutts killed him," Johanna says.

"Shut your mouth," Elena speaks with a tone so unlike her. The girl has her glare set on the woman from Seven as she speaks so casually about the death of her close friend.

"I vote no," Beetee says.

The blonde's eyes stray to Haymitch and Katniss who are the only two who have not voted. She's grown to respect Katniss greatly, her ability to continue on through the tough times. However, she knows that Katniss can be a little hotheaded which may cause her vote to swing.

"I vote yes, for Prim," Katniss finally decides.

"I'm with the Mockingjay," Haymitch speaks after her.

"Excellent. That carries the vote," Coin seems almost gleeful and it makes Elena's blood boil.

"You people literally disgust me. All of you complained for years that we had to do this and now you encourage it,"

Elena lets her statement hang in the air as she storms out of the room without even sparing the victors who voted yes a glance. The way they are quick to let their emotions get the better of them, not thinking properly. She's lost plenty to the Games, to Snow himself and yet she is well aware it is the wrong decision. Snow's granddaughter is not Snow — she's an individual and more importantly she's a child. No child should have to go through that.

The blonde haired teen is aware that the execution of Snow is going to take place outside and she feels as if she has to see it. It would give her peace of mind, make her feel somewhat better. To know that he is truly gone - it's what she truly wants right now.

When she reaches the area, Snow is tied to a pole and the Girl on Fire has her bow at the ready. Snow doesn't look scared in the slightest nor does he seem to hold any remorse for the atrocities he has commuted during his time on this Earth.

Before Elena can even fathom what has happened, Katniss has moved her bow so the arrow is upwards and let it fly - hitting Coin right in the chest. The woman slumps over the side of the balcony.

Snow is laughing loudly as the crowd begin to erupt into chaos. Katniss' bow falls to the ground with her arrows following soon after - the girl is arrested and dragged away and Elena can not help but notice that Snow is still there, laughing.

The teenage girl moves towards him, pushing through the crowd to get to him. The area around Snow is relatively clear as she crouches down, picking up the state of the art bow which Katniss is so fond of. She strings up the bow with one of the remaining arrows and looks at him. He is now aware of the victor who he hadn't seen much of since her win.

"Miss Rogers," He croaks. "Will you be the one to end me? To put me out of my misery? I doubt you have to courage to murder the President,"

"You're not my President. I would be doing the world a favour," Elena speaks clearly. "I'm going to put an end to your tyranny and then go home with my family —"

"A family that is no longer complete. Miss Everdeen got Finnick killed–"

"You got Finnick killed! You got Everett killed. You hardly deserve a quick death but I'm doing it for all those people,"

"Elena, you're —"

He doesn't get the finish his sentence, the arrow slicing through his skin and entering his chest.


Hi! Thank you for reading! This is one of the last chapters of this story and I'm really excited to finish it up!

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