Chapter Six

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Cynthia's Pov
My hands gently rubbed at the exposed skin finding the warmth a little more comforting. I relaxed in Andy's embrace while he kept his arms locked around my waist to hold me in place, or to stop me from moving too much.

All I know was that after my break down and with me crying I never had anyone stay with through a fit of crying and shakes that wouldn't stop.

Andy was a lot more understanding then what I knew of. His own large hand was rubbing at my arms his hand gripping tightly to hold my hand with the wedding ring on it.

"Can you tell me about this life baby? Is it strange that a part of me wants to know so much but then like another part of me is scared." He released a quiet chuckle out.

"Trust me I feel the same." I muttered chuckling leaning into the deep sways.

"What would you like to know and I promise I can tell you as much as I know." I offered up. I could tell Andy was thinking quite focused because he then blinked his eyes a few times and paused with a huge silence after.

"What are you to me in this other world?" I hummed totally expecting that question.

"Well I was just a fan of your music really, we never met at a concert cause you were with Juliet for five years and got married around 2017 actually you have her name tattooed there."

I hummed wondering if I was missing anything, biting at my lip gently bringing my free hand to rub at the spot that had my name there.

"That sort of explains why when you woke up you kept saying I was suppose to be with Juliet?" Once again I gave him a quick few deep head nods.

"Unhuh." I chuckled quietly shifting a bit to relax even more.

"I wasted my previous life badly I put myself in a coma and I guess it was because drinking was like a comfort I always wish I had." I was trying my hardest to form words right then and there.

"And it wasn't a good comfort I didn't have anyone." I whispered feeling Andy's hand tightened before I felt him then lift my chin up so I was facing him to stare into his deep blue eyes. I relaxed a little when he pressed his forehead against my own and nuzzled my nose deeply.

"Now don't say things like that... Yeah In your old life you made a ton of mistakes that all humans do but as strange as it seems maybe this was god and other forces telling you that this is a second chance for you to do better and for you to live it with me."

I held my breath taking in his words, but gave a small head nod nuzzling his nose back feeling him smile.

"I know back there you were alone... And I pray that you didn't die alone but here you aren't alone, you are far from alone then ever, you have me always." I gripped onto Andy's hand a little much tighter refusing to cry for a moment.

"You still wanna be with me even with the craziest thing happening?" I cracked out through my tiny laughter, feeling Andy's body shake with his own light laughter, before I felt him placing these small little kisses all over my face.

"Baby of course I still wanna be with you and in love with you.. Yeah it's a little unsettling knowing that there are parallel universes which makes you question like all of everything but you still are the girl I fell in love with and maybe back there my fate was to be with Juliet but here it's you."

He chuckled quietly nuzzling me yet again making my heart relax and thump like no tomorrow gripping into Andy more. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Oh you don't know how happy that makes me, I felt like my mind was collapsing everyday I was worried and freaking out all the time." I muttered hearing Andy chuckle quietly.

"Well I'll be honest I was much worried when you said you couldn't remember anything and then that one time I caught you cooking in the kitchen was a little out of character but aren't we all." He mumbled bringing his free hand to brush aside my curls from getting in my eyes and face.

"Now I just have to relearn everything about you, the good, the bad I'll just learn it all." He told me flashing me a smile resting his head on top of my own.

I shut my eyes again and traced his chest a few times with a heavy weight lifted maybe... A second chance wasn't always that bad.

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