Chapter One

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Cynthia's Pov
Okay, my skull is spitting its hurting and I'm in an unknown place that at the same time feels very familiar. I gripped my pounding skull, sitting on the smooth feeling of the couch. My brain was all mush and strange feeling. I was in a coma... Well, I believe it was a coma. I couldn't move, not a single movement I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear everything.

I was half dead I suppose on life support, that was until I opened my eyes and was met with concerned baby blue eyes staring down at me. A man I felt like I knew very well. "My skull feels like it's splitting." I mutter still holding my aching head in my palms.

I hear footsteps making their way towards me before hands were slowly grabbing my hands away from my head, and both my hands were being held.

"Baby? Hey, look at me what's wrong?" He whispered to me. I released a small squeak gazing into his eyes deeply, inhaling even more.

"I-" I couldn't even form words because for one reason I knew this man couldn't be addressing me. A man this good looking would never spare me a single glance.

"Are we um... Dating?" I slowly stammered out.  He gave me the strangest look before soft chuckles were leaving him, he licked his lower lip.

I studied his face more watching as he shifted his eyes back to me placing his hand straight on my forehead.

"Are you sure you're alright? You didn't drink, right? I thought we stopped that." I scrunched my face up when his hand came in contact with my face, and carefully grabbed his arms because his tattoos seemed very familiar to me.

"Can I see your arm?" I asked in a soft quiet voice. He looked at me once again, before he slightly rolled up the sleeve to his black t-shirt my breath was taken away. Right there by all his other tattoos was my name. My name!

"That's my name," I whispered in surprise quickly. I shook out my curls and sat up quickly tracing my fingers all over the ink. My name was forever on his skin.

He now looked really panicked. "Okay something is really wrong, Cynthia look at me? Hey, look at me." He demanded slowly cupping my face making me look at him fully.

"Are you hurt? Did you hit your head? Do we need to go to the hospital." I winced my head ranking for answers and I could only come up with one. I'm pretty sure my name wasn't suppose to be on his arm like that.

I'm pretty sure it was suppose to be Juliet Simms. This man was Andy Biersack. I took a quick look after I opened my eyes to look at my hand and right there on my ring finger was a beautiful diamond ring. I once again let a soft squeak out looking at it.

"Oh, God Andy?! My name shouldn't be on your forearm it's Juliet! Oh my God, I'm married to you! I think I hit my head!" I started to freak out, but Andy was quick to pick me up and grab stuff as he held me close.

"We're going to the hospital now." He quickly said fast and I didn't have any say in arguing because I needed to go to the hospital this wasn't right at all. This wasn't my life..... Was it?

I was an alcoholic who caused my own death, I caused my own coma and I swore on my life if I ever had the chance to fix all my mistakes with the drinking, going to college actually having a career that I would do this.

I buried my head in Andy's chest hearing him talking with someone on the phone.  He carried me out of a pretty big-sized house, towards a slick black car as soon as I was placed on the passenger seat.

I started playing with the ring that felt so foreign on my hand like it was suppose to be there, but at the same time maybe it belonged to another girl.

I blinked away the strange tears glancing out the window taking a deep breath in.

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