Chapter 36

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Chapter 36



"Sophia, I need you in here." I said through the phone and waited for her to walk in as I looked over the new Los Angeles project. There was a small knock on the door before it opened and Sophia entered. "Give this file to the Project Development Manager and tell him to the make the changes I've asked."

"Yes, Mr. Wilson." She replied, professional before taking the file and walking out of the room. I sighed and leaned back as I see her walk out.

It's been a few days since the Ball and I've maintained my distance from Sophia as I had promised I would. The strange part was that ever since that day I felt Sophia being more open with me. After our episode at the parking lot of the hospital, Sophia has been ignoring me and was reluctant to be anywhere near me and now I feel she finds a way to be close to me. Even though, I make sure our relationship is strictly professional, it is hard to keep up. She's being extra sweet to me. She started bring me coffee like she use to. I ordered her to stop bring me those, yet every day I come in, I see a cup on my table. Once or twice I didn't touch the drink and left it there in a hope that Sophia would stop making those for me but she never stopped. I was still receiving those every morning.

Rubbing my temples, I shook my head to clear the thoughts and focused on the work in hand. I was reading a new contract that Dad had send me regarding Mr. Walker. I had given the intel of the things that happened at the Ball excluding anything related to Sophia. Dad had forgotten about the deal that he heard from Mr. Walker. He gave me the file and asked me to proof read it and if I feel it has any benefit. I gave my agreement to Dad and he began this deal immediately. I was reading the contract that was given to me from the Law department in the company. All I had to do was make sure the contract was proper and send the file to Dad for further details.

As I was reading the contract, I heard a commotion outside. Frustrated at being disturbed, I stalked towards the door. I opened to door to see Sophia arguing with Candice.

"What is going on here?" I asked, glaring at the two women. "This is a place of work, not a club to fight."

"I wanted to meet you, but your Secretary wasn't letting me in." Candice complained.

"Because you don't have an appointment and I couldn't let you in because of that." Sophia fired back.

I sighed. I turned towards Candice and asked her to go in my office. I turned back to Sophia who was glaring at me. "What?"

"Nothing." She said and turned on her heels and stalked off.

I raised an eyebrow at her strange behaviour before walking in. I gestured for Candice to take a seat. "Why are you here, Candice?"

"What? I can't visit you now that we have ended our deal?"

"I don't mind you visiting, but not in my office hours anymore. I have a lot of work to do and I can't take time off." I said, sitting back in my chair.

"Fine. How about Monday? You and me go out for drinks at night?"

"You want to go out on Monday?" I asked, slowly absurd by her suggestion. "It's weekday. I work on that day."

"I know, but I have a conference on Wednesday and I leave Tuesday. So Monday has to be it." Candice stated.

"Fine. That's 2 days from today." I said, getting her to nod. "Alright. I'll see you then." Candice grinned at and got up to walk out. "Don't fight with Sophia on your way out."

Candice smirked at me as if she knew something I didn't. "I'll try." With that she walked out leaving me to my work.

I continued to read the contract and circled few changes I felt would seem fit. I decided to show them to Dad and ask the legal department to make these changes. I took hold of the file and searched for other file that I needed. I decided to ask Sophia and walked out to call her.

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