Part 11: Starting Over

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"Bree, please try to open your eyes."

David. Dave is here!

I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I could hear Ellie sobbing in the background and all I wanted to do was to go and hug her.

Why am I feeling so heavy?

I tried to move a little, but I couldn't. So I tried harder. After a while, I moved a little and the voices got clearer too.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
What is that sound? Where am I?

"Brianna, cara. Try to open your eyes."

I felt like a load was lifted off me. That was Alex. Alex was with me. My heart raced when I heard his smooth voice.

Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.

I tried my best to open my eyes, and this time they opened. Slowly, my eyes opened to the blur surrounding. I blinked my eyes a few times to clear my vision. With each blink, the view seemed to get clearer. David, Ellie and a nurse, hovered over my bed. Next to David was Alex, his blue eyes were narrow with worry and he had dark circles under his eyes. He attempted a smile, when our eyes met.

"Why are you guys bending over me?" I asked sarcastically, my voice hoarse. I realised that my throat was dry. My friends laughed over my joke and Alex sighed, with relief, I guess. I tried to sit up, so the nurse helped me push myself a little up and rested my head against a pillow. I was still groggy but when I looked around, I was sure of being in a hospital. The hospital smell hit my nostrils and the sound of beeps was coming from the heart monitor.

Why am I here?

The last thing I remembered was being in a club and.... and yes, the fight with Alex. The door to the room opened and in came Chloe and Zach.

"Bree your awake! Oh, we were so worried!" Chloe exclaimed, her eyes got a bit glassy. I smiled at her.

"Brianna, darling, I'm so sorry. I really didn't know. Its all my fault. Please forgive me, darling." Zach groaned.

What? Didn't know what?

"What are you talking about, Zach? Why am I here?" I asked, bending myself forward on the bed. Zach widened his eyes and stepped back, glancing at Alex, who had tightened his jaw and was glaring at Zach. David frowned at Zach and looked at me with sincere concern. It was getting annoying.

"Well?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Ellie stood next to me, took my hand in her's and said,

"Bree, hon, don't stress yourself over anything okay? The thing is, someone drugged you at the club, which is why we got you to the hospital." My heart began pounding.

Someone drugged me? Why?

"Drug overdose?" I asked, almost in a whisper. She nodded, placing a loose strand of her golden hair behind her ear.

Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.

My heart raced and the doctor pushed past my friends and reached me. He checked my pulse and flashed a flashlight in my eyes.

"I'm Dr. Lockhart. How are you feeling, Miss White?" the doctor asked, smiling kindly, showing dimples and all.

"Okay, I guess. Just got to know about the drug overdose. I don't take drugs doctor. I have no idea how this happened."

I glanced at Alex, who was staring intently at me, as if he couldn't believe that I was awake. Chloe came by me and stroked my hair, gently getting the tangles out.

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