Part 3: Lingering Mind

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Alexander's POV

We drove away from Brianna's building. Involuntarily, my thoughts wandered to the beautiful woman who had been with me a few minutes ago.

The second I saw her in the elevator, I knew she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The way the blush crept on to her face made it even more difficult to take my eyes off her. She was different and down to earth. She had an aura of her self respect and a smart mouth that she knew could get her in trouble.

Researching about her was not very difficult. Straight As, passionate about her career, down to earth. Quite a track record. I always picked up new talent to invest in but she was my best bet yet.

At noon, when I saw Lucas eyeing her up and down, I completely lost my cool. I felt like strangling that pathetic bastard's neck. I had no idea why I'd reacted like that. I had just met her that very day and she wasn't mine to protect.

To top it all, I kissed her! In the entire time that she was with me on my orchestrated date, all I could think about was kissing her senseless. Even her fragrance was so overpowering. After seconds that felt like ages, I threw my hesitation out of the window and kissed her. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the best kiss I'd ever had. But just into the kiss, I realized that she probably would regret it later. We weren't actually sober. I pulled away and apologized for doing that. I'll kiss her again when she'll remember every second of it with every sense she has. But with her permission. Sober.  In spite of all that, when I thought of her full, beautiful lips; my body heated up.

That morning, I had taken over my biggest rival company. I should have been with my friends, celebrating. But, there I was, going back home, thinking of innocent brown eyes.

While I was in the garage, I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled my phone out and saw the name on the screen. Mom. I slid my finger across the screen.

"Hey, mom."

"Hi, darling, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, mom. How are you?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart. Congratulations on the company darling. We are so proud of you. Although, your father is being grumpy because you missed your flight to Italy. You were supposed to be here for Sophie's birthday. Sophie said and I quote,

'I'm going to kill that son of yours!'"

Mom has always been such a drama queen. I'd never imagined that I would have to miss Sophie's birthday, but the take over was necessary.
Family is important for my mom who is an old fashioned American, while my dad is an Italian with a family as big as a mafia ring. Sophie is my elder sister and she was recently engaged. So, the birthday party was a double celebration and she was even more upset because I missed it.

I heard my dad muttering something in Italian, so my mom stopped her rant about Sophie and said she would talk to me later. I was standing by my car to talk, so once done with the call, I took the elevator to my apartment and decided to take a cold shower. Just as I was about to enter the shower, my phone vibrated again.

I checked the screen and it showed a text message. It was an unknown number. I opened the message and as I read it, my heart fluttered rapidly.

Hello Alex,
This is Brianna. Sorry for texting you at this time, but Chloe just called and asked me to inform you that there is a board meeting tomorrow morning. She gave me your number, btw.
I'll see you tomorrow.

I read that message almost 10 times. Had Brianna really texted me?

Mom's call had distracted me from her thoughts, but the text sent my thoughts straight back to her.

Way to go, whoever you are Chloe!

Hey guys, I have some thrill planned in the next chapter. ☺

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