Part 4: Wilderment

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I found my way to my apartment, still feeling wobbly from the kiss. Courtesy of Alexander Armenti, thank you very much. I was in awe of myself for not tripping in front of him, or incoherently blabbering, because that is what I do when I'm nervous! The fact that I hadn't made a fool out of myself in front of the person who, within one day, managed to get my common logic out of the window was amazing! I decided to throw him out of my thoughts and checked my phone.

David had texted me saying he was loaded with work and would come home early morning. Had he come home just to change his clothes and gone back to his office? He liked being a lawyer and hence I think that the dedication could be explained. I changed into my teddy bear printed pajamas and looked at my bed. The shirt I was wearing today was on the bed and I couldn't stop myself from smelling it. It still smelled of his scent from when I was in his arms. His typically masculine, strong scent...

Stop! Get a hold over yourself, girl!

I mentally chimed. I was behaving like a freaking high school student with a crush on the most popular guy in school. He had been such a gentleman for stopping the kiss, but I was disappointed. He was right, though. I would have regretted it later.

After dinner, I cleared the utensils, washed them and went into my bedroom. My phone rang so loudly that I jumped. It was Chloe. I wondered why she would call me at that time of the night.

"Chloe! Hi!" I said clearing my throat.

"Hi to you too, Bree! Actually, there is a board meeting tomorrow morning and Mr. Armenti needs to be informed. They have been trying to call you to inform, but somehow, your phone was out of reach. I just got a call from the reception, telling me to inform you."

I didn't like where she was going with this.

"Now lucky lady, you get to call the new boss as you're his PA," she chirped on the other end of the line.

My mind raced to think of excuses and then I remembered that I didn't have his number.

"I don't have his number. Ha!" I thanked my cleverness.

"I'll text you his number in some time. Double ha!"

I sighed. So much for my cleverness.

"Aw, don't be such a crybaby. Any girl would be thrilled to be the personal assistant to America's sexiest bachelor. Although, his heritage is Italian, but you know what I mean," she said, stretching the word 'personal' on purpose.

I rolled my eyes.

As if I didn't know about his sexiness. But calling him on his personal number? I was afraid he'd think that I was some kind of stalker. I knew Chloe and she was not going to take no for an answer. She was going to freak out after getting to know that I went on a date with him and that I agreed to go out with him again.

"Fine, I'll call him." I groaned.

"That's my girl! I think I can find his number. Let's hope his details are updated on our office page. Later, Bree," she said in a high pitched voice.

I shook my head and hung up the phone. How on earth was I supposed to call him and not sound all squeaky and stupid? I was absolutely aware of my tongue and was sure that I would blabber away. Then I thought of texting him. That would be better because I'd be able to monitor my words. I quickly started to type to keep the message ready before she sends his number -

Hello Mr. Armenti,

No wait, he had told me to call him Alex. So I decided that I would type Alex.

Hello Alex,
This is Brianna. Sorry for texting you at this time, but Chloe just called and asked me to inform you that there is a board meeting tomorrow morning. She gave me your number, by the way.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Good night.

I contemplated wishing him good night and decided that it indicated good manners. Chloe sent his number to me through a text and I pasted it in the recipient space. I'm sure I must have read the message a million times before sending it. All this for a guy that I'd met the same day. Correction; all this for a sexy guy that I'd met the same day. The guy, that had the potential of either elating me to my very core or plunging my feelings in a deep pit of depression.

I sat on my bed and huddled the blanket close. Its warmth reminded me of our kiss. I hadn't felt that with anyone yet and it made me feel dizzy. Soon, I drifted into a deep sleep, dreaming of a certain pair of blue eyes.


I jerked out of bed and fell face first on the floor. My phone was ringing and its sound was trumpeting through the silence of the night. I let a string of abuses leave my mouth. Who the hell calls at this time of the night? I switched on the light, momentarily blinding my sleepy eyes. I picked up my phone and glared at the unknown number before picking it and said,


"Brianna White, not forgetting your old boss already, are you?"

I could hear the grin in his voice. What did he want from me?

"Mr. Burke?" I asked, confused.

"So you do remember me," he said coldly.

"Is this about the signed papers that you sent?" I was totally confused.

"Oh, no Brianna, of course not. I've called to tell you that you are going to spy on Armenti for me."

Oh dear, Brianna is in trouble.

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