Part 20: When Hearts Rule Over Minds

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Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter, but I didn't want to put a filler chapter. You guys are the best for giving me all these votes, reads and love.☺ Enjoy reading and do vote, comment and recommend this story. Muah!

Brianna's POV

My head was pounding. First Alex and now this idiot.

Give me a freaking break.

I looked at the man who sat across me at the cafe with disbelief. I was just fired from the company by my very own boyfri... ex - boyfriend and this bully was ordering me to get some information on Alex. I had a strong urge to print my fist in the hooligan's face, but I controlled myself.

"Are you for real? What logic gets into that bird brain head of yours? I got fired! How on earth do you expect me to get you stuff?"

"I'd mind my tongue if I were you. You have no idea of my brain's capability. All you need to worry about right now is getting information. You don't need to be in his company for that. There is a place in the public records where there is proof of something that will make him lose his company. You will go there and just demand for the files with his name. Convince them that you have his permission and get them for us."

Alex had a secret? One that could make him lose his company? He said something about me checking his records before. I guessed, this was it. I felt my protective instincts clubbed up in my heart. My Alex. I had to help him save his reputation, his money, his hard work of so many years. But how could I do that? If I wouldn't get the proof, someone else would. At that moment, a strategy struck in my mind. An age old, but really effective one. The one that I had already used.

Say yes and do something else with the go.

I could only do that if I got hold of whatever proof that was and destroy the proof. It would protect Alex and I was sure of it. If I didn't do it, someone else would. But I needed time. I needed to find the footage, too, before I would get the records. An idea clouded my mind.

"But, you know that I'm innocent. I had no hand in anything. Why are you doing this?"

"You know that I will expose you with your little secret."

He threatened.

I put on my most innocent face and looked up at him. I strained my eyes so that water would fill them to replace the dryness caused by the straining. A man who had sat on the neighbouring table a few minutes ago heard me and stared at us. He looked a little familiar, but I dismissed that thought. I looked up at the hooligan sitting across me, who looked uncomfortable due to my change in behaviour. He shifted in his seat and glared at me, signaling me to shut up. I sniffed loudly and looked at him.

Who said I'm going to accept without a fight?

If it wasn't for Alex, I would have shown the bully his place. True, I was doing this to save myself first, but Alex had grown to be someone really close to my heart. The thought of anyone trying to hurt him made my blood boil. My Alex. Even if he hated me, I cared for him and I always would.

"I am innocent. I didn't do anything. If you're going to make me do it, atleast give me time."

The man on the next table was leaning his ear in.

Talk about eavesdropping.

A waitress came and started telling him the specials. The hooligan took this opportunity to talk.

He clenched his teeth and spoke.

"How much time do you need?"

"A week."

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