Chapter 22

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Detective Jordan

We all went to sleep after the awkward yet deep talk. Grant took the floor and used the extra pillows that the hotel offered, Elizabeth and I took the bed. It wasn't long before all of us were fast asleep. Even I had a good night's sleep, for the first time in I don't know how long.

I hear Grant's alarm going off, I groan and slowly open my eyes. When I see what's infront of me, I don't know whether to be shocked or not. Because deep down I'm kind of enjoying this to honest... Elizabeth is laying next to me, I mean not only just next to me, she's cuddled up right next to me.

But apparently my body responded to her, she has her head on my arm and my other is draped over her. I stare at her, I have no idea what to do. Grant clears his throat and I snap my eyes to him. And he has his eyebrows raised.

I pull my arm away from her body and feel the blush rise. As soon as my arm is off her, her eyes open slowly.

Her eyes go wide when she sees how close she is to me. She pulls away and winces at the pain from moving so quickly. "Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry!" Her face burns bright red, mirroring mine.

Grant laughs and begins to put our stuff together, ready to go, it's still dark out, but it's almost dawn. I get up and try my best to make myself presentable, Elizabeth does the same.

We silently tidy the room and leave the room.

We get into the rental car that Grant arranged, while me and Elizabeth were trying to avoid any and all conversations. Grant gets in the drivers seat, me in the passenger and Elizabeth in the back.

Leaving the hotel we decide to try the warehouse closest to the edge of the town. The drive is awkwardly quiet.

"Okay... yes it was awkward and weird for you two to be cuddling together, but it's the body's normal response when it craves affection. So get over it. We need to catch this fucking ass."

I nod my head in agreement and clear my throat. "Right. Yes. Okay... how far away are we?" I ask, avoiding the silence.

"We should almost be there..." Grant says and I again nod my head. "I'm sorry... are you a bobble head now?" He laughs and I'm about to give a witty answer but Elizabeth gasps.

"Is that... the twins?" I jerk my head to look out the window.

"Stop the car!" I shout and Grant slams on the breaks. Before the car has come to a complete stop I begin climbing out the car. I begin to limp-run towards them. "Dave? Daphne?" I call out as I see their figures stopping a distance away but not too far to miss the fear written all over their faces. "It's Detective Jordan." They relax and begin running towards me.

Before I can warn them not to hug me, it's too late, their little bodies slam into me and I'm literally throw onto my back from the force. I scream out in pain as they land on my stomach. My vision blurs and the pain consumes me, one of their knees hit my thigh.

I take deep breaths trying to calm my heart down and to overcome the pain. Elizabeth and Grant lift them off of me, they are absolutely exhausted, from running I guess.

Once I can, I get up with help and make my way back to the car. I lift my shirt up and see fresh red blood staining my plaster. The twins pant and when we get to the car, they flop down onto the seat, onto one another.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now