Chapter 7

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Hope everyone is doing well.
Prepare to have a rollercoaster of chapters.

Detective Jordan

I tap my pen on my desk. I've updated the BOLO on Jayden informing everyone he now has black hair. I'm still furious with myself. "Hey. Don't beat yourself up about it." I look up to see Grant looking at me. I groan and slap my head. "Dude, if you keep doing that I'll cuff you."

I glare at him and then look at the board. "What kind of ties does this Reginald have?" I ask out loud.

"I have no idea, but I've started digging and I haven't found much with his immediate relatives. It's gonna take much longer to go through relatives that aren't immediate. Wanna share the load?" I nod and he passes me a printed sheet of paper with a dozen of names. I look at the paper, then him, then the paper and back to him. "Yeah... and that's half of them after I've already searched through another dozen's record." I groan and get started.

The first few names go by with no red flags. I get to a Carmen Adamson and she has a husband that is involved with a few dirty  cops. I circle her name but carry on. After a while, I get to another name, Wesley Brown, he has very deep and big ties to the biggest gang in the city. I circle his name and continue with the next few.

I'm busy with a name when my desk phone rings. I answer "Jordan."

"Detective Jordan?" A woman's voice comes across the line.

"Yes this is him." Grant lifts his gaze to me and I lift my shoulders.

"Detective, we just got an alert..." she hesitates and I frown.

"What kind of alert ma'am?" I ask her and she sighs.

"We received an alert... it indicates that someone hacked our database." I freeze. Jayden. "They downloaded your file Detective." I stay silent taking it in. "Detective? Do you know who is behind this?"

"Yeah I do... Jayden James. He has somehow found a way into the system." I say and try to think of a way to tie him and Reginald to this.

"Detective, your file had your address as well cell-"

"I know... it has all the basic info on me like it does with everyone else." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"I am advised to tell you that you should consider staying at a hotel of some sorts." She says softly.

"Thanks but I'm fine in my home. Please call if you track down where the hack came from." I put the receiver down "that's why he wanted my fucking name?" I hiss out.

"What's going on?" Grant asks with a worried face.

"He hacked the database and downloaded my file. With all my personal information... what's his plan man?" I ask "you got any interesting names on your list?" I change the subject.

"Mmm. So far 3, but I got about another 5 to clear. You?"

"2 so far. Also got about 4 or so." With that we carry on checking the names we have left. After about another hour we finally finish. I get up and stretch my legs. "Coffee?" Grant nods and I go make us a cup each.

I return and find him next to my chair waiting for me. I pass his cup to him and sit down in my own chair. "Okay that's not too bad only 8 to take a deeper look at." I nod my head and turn to my computer I type the first name in. "Nah, he's too old I think." I nod and move on.

We go through the first 3 before we find a name someone that really catches my attention from his list. "Fredrick Nelson?" I ask Grant "do you know about him?" He shakes his head. "He's almost like a legend..." he motions for me to carry on. "He has or had very deep ties to the FBI, I don't know if he still does or not. He is a computer genius and he was a boyfriend of a FBI agent. Once he figured that out, he exploited it and found a shit ton of dirt on many people, from people in high FBI positions to gang leaders."

His eyes widen "man this our first real break." I nod and print his picture.

I search deeper into his background and it just emphasizes the fact that he is probably the one that is behind the hack. I dial that lady's number again. "Elizabeth." Ah so that's her name.

"Its Detective Jordan... I think I know who's behind the hack..." I pause for effect. "Fredrick Nelson." She goes silent for a while.

"The Fredrick Nelson?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yeah its him alright." I tell her.

"Fucking hell. He's been dormant for a while... now he's back? How are you so sure?"

"Well... he is somehow related to Reginald Adams, who is the partner of the guy we are investigating, Jayden James..." she mumbles something.

"Detective. I'm going to call this in. And get our intelligence team on this right away, I will call you as soon as I get something." I say a thank you and end the call.

"Dude... this shit has just jumped up a few levels." I say to him and he just stares at him.

"Jordan... are you going to go to a hotel?" I shake my head. "Miles..." I shake my head again, we only use our first names when we feel the need to get the others attention or to prove a point.

"I'm not gonna show fear to him." I say and then take a sip of coffee. "Besides I think that he expected I had some kind of family to threaten." He looks at me and I see the all too familiar pity  written all over his face. "Don't look at me like that. You know I hate that look." He clears his throat and looks away.

"Very well..." he says but I can sense his tension. I'm about to open my mouth when my cellphone buzzes.

I scratch in my pocket to get it out but see it's an unknown number, I frown but answer it placing it to my ear.

"Miles Jordan, huh?" I recognize his voice instantly, I snap my fingers at Grant and mouth 'Jayden' he quickly picks up his phone to try and trace the call.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now