Chapter 31

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I am so sorry that I have been gone so long. My life has not been easy and my depression got the best of me and I didn't want to "force" myself to write because I write for enjoyment and I would rather delay and stop writing than making it feel like a chore. Anyways there is just one chapter left... then just a chapter regarding Detective Jordan.
And then we are done.
Stay safe and stay strong.


I watch in utter disbelief as he shuffles closer, I instinctively back away on the bench and reach my hand out to hold onto Sarah's car chair. His eyes... they've changed... they are even darker and colder than the last time I saw them. His blonde hair is cut short which leads me to believe he once had a buzz cut.

I shake as he takes the seat opposite me, he spares Kyle a scowl which is equally reciprocated from the said person. He clears his throat before directing his eyes to me, his lips twitch and my skin starts to crawl. 'Please let this be done as quickly as possible.' I say to myself in my head.

"Hello there Dianne..." his lips stretch into a wicked grin. "Long time no see, huh?" I remain silent, I don't even move. He cocks his head to one side and eyes me out, Kyle tenses next to me and I see his hands are balled up into fists.

He lifts himself up to peer over the table but with the sudden movement, the one guard rushes to him and pushes him back down roughly as if he thought he was gonna do something. My mind whirls as to why the guards would react so strongly to such a small movement. "Hey man, I was only trying to see my daughter!" He grumbles out and throws the guard a dirty look.

I look over to the car chair and my heart aches. I don't want to do this. I don't want him to see her. I don't want him to be honored by having her in his presence...

"Well then, put the chair on the table Dia." I don't move and continue to stare at this baby girl. She doesn't deserve to be the daughter of this monster. "For fucks sake!" He slams his handcuffed hands against the table making me jump and frightening Sarah. She jerks in her chair and begins to cry, Kyle starts to fidget with his hands, cracking his knuckles specifically which is a signal to me that he is losing his patience.

The guard nudges him with the gun that he has now aimed at him and I wish the gun would misfire and just end this horrific experience. "Give me a reason!" He knocks him with the butt of the gun in the back and Jay's wind is whacked right out of him, he glares at the guard and I see his hands go white from the frustration.

Kyle bends and picks up Sarah seeing as I've become a statue and am not able to move. Jay's head snaps to him and I see the flames dancing in his eyes, a shiver runs down my spine as I have seen that look before. He lurches up so quickly the table gets knocked and moves a few inches. "Get your fucking hands off of my daughter!"

The guard pushes him violently back down onto the bench while Kyle scoffs. "She's not yours. You are merely the sperm donor you fucking asshole." He spits out at him and begins to coo and rock Sarah.

"I'm not repeating myself." He says through clenched teeth. I see his skin break out in gooseflesh and I know he is having a rough time controlling himself. "Put. Her. Down." He warns and I look at Kyle who is not backing down.

I reach my arms out to take Sarah who is crying uncontrollably, probably from feeling the tension in this room. "Give her to me." I say quietly and gently. Jay watches my arms and stares at them admiring his work. Kyle looks at me and I see he doesn't want to give her up to me, he wants to push his buttons. He wants to make him do something so that the guard in turn does something.

Kyle slowly gives me Sarah who is punching the air and screaming for all she's worth. I cuddle her against me and begin to speak softly to her. She calms down as I run my hands through her blonde hair.

"Man oh man." I hear Jay say and I lift my gaze to him. "If I thought you looked good in that house..." he licks his lips and his eyes darken from the memory. "You know... the house where I had you on the counter..." I feel the blush rise up onto my face from embarrassment and I know what he is talking about. "Where you practically-"

"Stop." I manage to say before he continues. Kyle stares at me from the side and I know he wants to know what the hell he is talking about. I never shared it with anyone. Not a single soul. Not that specific event. The event I am highly ashamed of. "Just stop." I repeat looking into those eyes that are no longer what I used to love. Now I despise them.

"Fine." He says but I see the slightest glimmer in his dark orbs for eyes. "Let me hold her then." I swallow hard. How am I expected to hand over my baby to sick psycho like this. He has something planned, I know it.

Kyle takes a step forward. "No. That is not happening."

Jay sends him a glare before returning his gaze back to the blonde haired baby in my arms. He reaches out with his cuffed hands which jingle from the movement. "Give her." I look to the guards hoping they'd tell me I didn't have to do this and that this is just a sick joke but they just watch Jay as though he will pounce at any minute.

I look to Kyle who has sweat dripping down his face, he looks at me with a resigned look.

Tears burn in my eyes as I get up, I hold onto Sarah tighter as I hold myself up and wait for my balance to even itself out. I take a step forward, closer to my worst nightmare. My breathing catches and I bite back a sob as he turns to face me. "Oh she's beautiful." He breathes as he looks at Sarah. I get closer and he swings his legs over to have his back against the table. "Hi baby..." he says softly as he reaches out and touches her hair. I resist the urge to pull her out of his reach.

I stand infront of him torn. Do I give her to him or not? I would rather choose the latter. "What's your name beautiful girl?" He asks her but lifts his eyes filled with a foreign emotion to me. I gulp and muster all the courage I can.

He holds her hand and coos at her while waiting for my response. "Sarah Ava." I say barely above a whisper knowing he is going to have a hernia.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن