Chapter 2

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Do you like the multiple point of views? I'm going to have 4. Detective Jordan, Dee, Jay and Kyle. There will be a few chapters where there will be two point of views, in order to convey and explain how and why certain things are happening.
Anyways Enjoy!


It has been a month since we've been in our new home. I don't even know where Silver, Jill and the twins are. I don't even know their new names, all I know is I'm now Desiree Dawson, and Kyle is Keagan Dawson. Atleast Caleb gets to keep his name...

We live in a small little house, it's a two bedroom one bathroom house. Such a downgrade from what I used to have, and man oh man.

When you walk in the front door, you walk into the small lounge. Infront of you is a hallway with a door on the left, which is where the Agent sleeps. Then adjacent to that one is the main bedroom, where me and K (Kyle/Keagan's nickname) sleep. On the right of the hallway is one door, the small bathroom with a tub-shower. The kitchen has the dining table squeezed in the middle of it. The kitchen is connected to the lounge.

The rules we have to follow are kind of suffocating, Agent Eric Spencer is our handler and he takes no bullshit and makes sure we sure we follow the rules:

1. No mentioning of the previous life we had.
2. No use of our previous names.
3. No social media.
4. No contact with people from our previous life.
5. He has to be aware of where we are at all times.
6. He is to accompany me to wherever I go.
7. Act normal at our jobs. I work at a flower shop, but just as a flower organizer in the back and Kyle, well Keagan, is a head graphic designer at a company. Both of us work under someone connected to the FBI.
8. We are to stay at home as much as possible.
9. No unauthorized phone calls.
10. No unauthorized contact with unconfirmed people.

"Hey Dee." I look to my husband, atleast we were able to get married before all of this, he runs his hand through his hair. "How are you? How did the talk with Detective Jordan go?"

"Meh I'm okay. He wanted to know some things that happened between me and you know who... and asked about the other three people from the other time." We have to speak like this... and I don't know how to explain it.

"Its gonna be okay Dee" he says and wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. Atleast he can still call me Dee. I've nicknamed him K because I just can't call him Keagan... it's too weird. "How about... we have some fun while Caleb is sleeping huh?" His hands travel down my back and I sigh.

"Oh I don't know..." I tease him.

"Oh come on! We haven't christened every place in the house as husband and wife..." I giggle at him.

"Like which places? Mmm?" I whisper as I pull back and look at him.

"The kitchen counter, the dining table, um the... couch..." I laugh at him trying to name as many places as possible.

"Well... it is time for dinner." His blue eyes sparkle. I turn and walk through the hallway with him hot on my heels. "Are you that desperate?" He grumbles a response and I continue to the kitchen. Once I get to the fridge. He pushes me against it, my back against him.

"I want you for dinner." He kisses my neck and gets a moan from my mouth. "I see you want me just as bad, baby..." I grin and push back against him. "Mmm your ass feels so good against my-"

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now