Karna in Hastinapur 2

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Shubadhra had given birth to a cute chubby baby boy. Kunti was overwhelmed when she saw the cute baby.

"He looks just like Arjun...when he was a baby" Kunti cried and wiped her tears.


Karna smiled at himself.

"I know that Duryodhan already knew about my identity. I saw one of Mamashree Shakuni's spies overhearing Mata Kunti and my conversation. Duryodhan trusts me, but mamashree does not...." 

Karna recollected the flashback :

After doing his morning prayers, Karna turned to see his Mata Kunti brightly.

"What can I do for you, Mata?" Karna asked

"Can you please accept the Pandavas as your younger brothers? I still feel the distance between you and the Pandavas...." Kunti lowered her eyes

Karna smiled at her and said

"It will take sometime, Mata..." Before he could continue, he heard a gentle sniffing noise from the nearby bush. Being one of the greatest archers, his senses were very sharp. He saw the bush with the corner of his eye, not letting the spy know that he was watching him.

"I gave birth to you.....but I must not have abandoned you....."Kunti cried to Karna's surprise. She must not have told that in that situation.Karna gently smiled and said

"I only knew the truth about my birth right now....I will tell Duryodhan as soon as possible..." Karna managed to handle the situation beautifully.

The spy fled from there to tell the news to Shakuni and Duryodhan.

Karna thought "I must tell the truth myself or else friend Duryodhan will think that I cheated him..." 


Karna very well knew that his friend was testing him and that he had passed the test. 

"Mamashree Shakuni knows the truth too.....Now I have to be careful.." Karna thought

"I am definitely sure that they are conspiring against me," Karna muttered as he saw the Dice lying next to him.

"So, which side do you want to be in?" Duryodhan asked 

"I don't know. I have given you the whole Aryavrat...except for a few Kingdoms....like Dwarka..." Karna thoughtfully cried

"So?" Duryodhan asked gripping his fingers.

"I man who gets ready to disrobe his sister-in-law can do anything to defame me..." Karna thought

But, there was still a soft corner in his heart for Duryodhan.

"I am going to step down from the throne of Angdesh," Karna cried

Duryodhan suddenly turned to look at Karna


"You gave me the throne of Angdesh....I have given you almost the whole of Aaryavrat....the whole Aaryavrat is under your control...." Karna said

"So....that is called friendship?" Duryodhan asked

"Returning the act of kindness with interest...." Duryodhan continued

"No....Friendship is something when a friend stops the other from doing mistakes and sins.....I have obviously failed..." Karna cried and paused for a moment

Duryodhan was feeling that a sense of emptiness was engulfing him. The man who supported him was distancing himself from him.

"Don't you think that our relationship has grown stronger?" Duryodhan asked Karna

"Haven't we become...from friends.....to brothers?" He continued

Karna was surprised at this questioned

"So....I am more important for you..." Karna asked

Durydhan nodded

"Which means even my relatives are important for you?" Karna questioned him

Duryodhan nodded

"That implies even the Pandavas are important for you?" Karna questioned with a little smile

Duryodhan's eyes widened at this question

"From when did they become your brothers?....From your birth? Even the blood relation among you is younger than the friendship we share for years....because they became your brothers just a few days ago....." Duryodhan cried

"I know..." Karna deeply breathed 

"That is why I do not want to fight the battle....." Karna cried

"I want you to fight the battle.....even if you are on the Pandava's side.." Duryodhan cried

Karna was shocked

"But it would be better if you kill me...I prefer dying in your hands than in those Pandava's hands....In fact I would consider it as my honour and pleasure to get killed by you...." Duryodhan continued placing his hands on Karna's shoulders.

Karna once again began to oscillate between his friend and his brothers, between friendship and righteousness.

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