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"I want all my sons to share whatever they have got". The kind-hearted woman said as she was facing the small stone god in front of her.

"Maa?" he gasped as soon as he heard his mother's order

Kunti dropped the plate as she saw what her son had got as alms. Her eyes widened as she looked at the full-grown beautiful young princess, the princess of Panchal, the woman who emerged from the holy fire, the Yagnyaseni.

"What have you done Mata?" Yudhishtir asked as the five brothers watched Kunti disbelievingly

Kunti could not utter a word. Tears welled up her eyes as she looked at the new would-be bride.

"No...I take back my words " Kunti muttered

"Mata! It is not possible! You have unknowingly uttered the kind of relationship we have to share." Yudhishtir said

There was tension in the air. Silence prevailed. No one uttered a word. The five brothers were glancing at each other not knowing what to do.

"One of us can marry princess Draupadi, others will take the path of sannyasa." Yudhistir finally spoke up

Draupadi looked at Kunti with tear welled eyes.

"There's no need for Sannyasa. I will marry all your sons."

Draupadi said as she looked at the six stones given to her by her friend, Vasudev Krishn.

"Maybe the sixth one defines me," she thought for herself and repeated

"I promise, I will marry all your sons. I will purify my soul by doing heavy penance regularly" Draupadi bit her lips as she spoke up those words.

"But princess" Sahadev was cut in between

"I have promised your mother," The fire lady said with a bold expression in her face.

"And that's how my Sakhi is" They heard a voice that belonged to the supreme lord in the human avatar, Lord Vasudev Krishn.

"Vasudev! are you okay with this decision?" Draupadi asked him

"Of course Sakhi! I appreciate it! " He said and with a mischievous smile, he turned to his Kunti bua

"Bua, she has agreed to marry ALL your sons," Krishna winked at Kunti

Kunti realized the real meaning of those words. She did not have only five sons. She had another one too, her first and forgotten child, the child that gave her the first opportunity to become a mother, the supreme Lord Surya's son, Angraaj Karn.

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