Proposal Accepted?

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After things had calmed down and Mahamahim accepted her as the Kulvadhu, Panchali and other Pandavas gathered in Kunti's chamber.

The thought of marrying another man petrified Draupadi.

"What promise did you exactly make?" Yudhishtir asked Draupadi

"We promise you Panchali, our respect towards you will never get reduced, are you ready for getting married to one more man? We will never stop you," Bheem said

"No one is possessive about me" Panchali frowned a little and nodded

"It was Rajmatha's order for me," She said

"What? Mata asked you to get married to one more man? I am not getting it," Sahadev said

"It was my order indeed," Kunti said as she entered the room. Her face was filled with motherly concern.

"But why mother?" Bhim asked

Draupadi looked at the Pandavas. Arjun was indifferent towards her sixth marriage. He accepted as soon as he was told about the promise. No one bothered to ask whom she was going to marry or why she was going to get married. Arjun's indifference broke her heart into a zillion pieces, such that no one would be able to fix it. Only Bhim considered to question her about the 'Other Mysterious Man'. Draupadi remained silent as she expected Kunti to tell something.

"Everything that happens, happens for good, everything will fall in its place," Krishna had told Draupadi.

"If it is Mata's order, we must not question it," Arjun said and Draupadi stood there like a frozen statue. She had fallen for the man who always respected his mother's decision without questioning her. She felt proud of her husband.

"I was born without a mother. King Drupad is my father as he was the one who did the Yagnya. I was born from fire. I was born motherless. I am proud of all my Arya who respect and love their mother unconditionally. I have not seen my childhood, and neither did I have one, but I will be truthful to all my husbands, even to Angraaj, if we get married." Draupadi thought

"My, son, Karna was born without a father. I was unmarried when I gave birth to him. The whole Aaryavrat has already insulted him based on his birth. If the truth about his birth comes out, then everyone might call him illegitimate and taunt him. He is born from the energy-giving Suryadev, The Sun God. He was born fatherless. I did not see his childhood, but I do feel that the whole society would have never let him pursue his dreams, thus, snatching away his childhood. Being a mother, I have always noticed the hurt in his eyes. Now, he is the King Of Anga. Had I told Arya about him, The throne of Hastinapur would have belonged to him. Arya would have accepted him as his eldest son," Kunti thought


"WHAT!!!! But she is already married!" Karna shreiked as Radha Maa told him something.

"You promised me, Karn," Radha sternly said

"Of course! I did promise you that I will marry whoever you tell, but Radha Maa! She is someone else's wife. You have taught me that someone else's wife is equal to a sister or mother," Karna was cut in between,

"So, this is the respect I have," Radha said turning away and gently wiping her tears,

"NO! Radha Maa! What are you saying? How will I disrespect you? I am ready to do anything for you, but can you please tell me why did you take this decision? Princess Draupadi rejected me at the Swayamvar!" He said

"She is ready to marry you, now," Radha said and sat down on the cot that was made of jute. Radha began to cry silently.

"I will do anything for you," Karna said and left his house with the speed of lightning.


A while ago ...

All that Radha knew was Draupadi had promised to marry Karn. She did not know why. Krishna had explained the whole situation and about the princess's plight. Radha, being kind-hearted as she was, agreed to the proposal, or we could say it was Krishna's charm and intelligence that made her agree to the proposal. Draupadi had fallen at Radha's feet for the consent. Draupadi had decided in her mind to reunite the brothers and mend Karna-Kunti's relationship after she saw Kunti breaking down into tears when she was alone. Panchali decided not to tell the truth until Kunti felt comfortable. Draupadi managed to gather some courage and wished for Krishna's help.

"Karna will never disobey his mother, Priyasakhi," Krishna appeared from behind and surprised her.

"For the sake of my promise, and for Mata Kunti, I am ready for this marriage too," Draupadi said when she was with Krishna and Radha(Karna's mother).

"No princess! Karna would never wish to marry you as you are already the wife of someone else," Radha said and continued,

"You are already married to five men, and if you marry a sixth one, the whole Hastinapur will definitely point fingers at you. Prince Yudhistir will never be crowned the King if the Praja point fingers at their Queen," Radha said

Draupadi thought for a while and Krishna spoke up,

"Then what about the Vachan the princess made?"

Radha asked,

"Let this marriage be for namesake. My son will never accept this marriage. Just for the promise made by the princess, the wedding shall take place in a secrecy. There is no necessity for any official announcement. Else, the princess will be blamed for infidelity. If her husbands know about this secret wedding, then it is alright. There is no need for my son and the princess to be a perfect husband-wife couple. Just for the promise, my son will agree if I convince him," Radha said

Draupadi fell at Radha's feet for considering her promise as well as thinking about her respect in the society.


Karna stormed out of the house with lightning speed. The woman whom he disliked, the woman by whom he was insulted in front of the whole Aaryavrat was going to become his wife! And for the unkind information, he was going to be her sixth husband.

"Radha Maa did the right thing. This secret marriage will fulfill the princess's promise and no one would accuse her of infidelity. We will never have to live as husband and wife. Radha Maa did the right thing and came up with a good solution for this problem, oh sorry! DISASTER!" Karna growled irritatedly to himself.


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