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It all begins with Kunti ordering Draupadi to marry all her sons. In the process, Kunti reveals to Draupadi that Karna is her son. Draupadi, though shocked at first, agrees to marry him in secret, for the sake of the promise, and nothing else.

Karna is shattered learning the truth. The one he had hated, was none other than his own brother. Though the Pandavas do not know Karna's truth, Karna marries Draupadi since she had approached him and requested him to marry her. 

Karna and Draupadi part ways after their namesake marriage. Since Karna knew he was the eldest brother of the Pandavas, his vengeance and anger were kept aside. He slowly realizes that he had been immature to prove himself the best archer in Aryavrat, when there was no necessity to do so. With Krishna and Suryadev's help, he gradually realizes the true meaning of Dharma as humanity, love and respect. 

As Duryodhan orders Draupadi's disrobing after the Pandavas failed to win the dice game, Karn enters the scene and stops Dussashan from disrobing Draupadi. Karn did so not only because he was her husband, but also for the reason that he had realized certain things in life. 

Draupadi reveals to the Pandavas that Karn is her sixth husband, much to Arjun's dismay. Kunti tells them that Karn is their eldest brother, making everyone dumbfounded. The Pandavas, who are guilty for ill treating Karn apologize to him. 

The Pandavas and Draupadi head towards the forest and begin their penance. Meanwhile, Karna is torn between friendship and brotherhood. Karna tries his best to make Duryodhan come to the path of Dharm, but in vain. Mamashree Shakuni never lets Karn's talks come into Duryodhan's mind. Tough Gandhari pleads Karn to bring his sons to the right path, Karn is unable to do so because of Shakuni. 

With Lord Parashuram's advice, Karn does the Digvijay Yatra, and defeats all the Kings of the Aryavrat and gives their crowns to Duryodhan, thus, declaring him the owner of all the kingdoms he had won. Karn feels it as a payback for whatever Duryodhan did a few years ago, by giving him the Kingdom Of Anga. 

As time passes by, Karn realizes Krishna's divinity. Duryodhan comes to know Karna's birth secret. Duryodhan, though having hatred for the Pandavas, accepts the truth and embraces his best friend, since he knew he was the only one who wished for his well being.

After the return of the Pandavas, Shakuni gets scared of Karna's Dharm, and he fears he would side with the Pandavas. Hence, he sends and invitation for a gambling game to the Kingdom of Anga. Karna readily accepts it.

Karna chooses Krishna as his representative and Shakuni miserably loses the dice game, thus, the whole Aryavrat comes under Karna's control and the Kings and Princes of Hastinapur,including Duryodhan, become his slave. Kunti reveals it to the world that Karna is her son, giving up her hesitation on how people will react.

Karna gives another opportunity to Duryodhan to mend his ways, but his words fall on deaf ears. He later declares a one to one war among the Kauravas and Pandavas. 

The Pandavas win and the Kauravas die a painful death in the hands of the Bheem. Duryodhan, while dying, reveals that he deserved death for humiliating his friend's wife, not for the Pandavas' wife. Gandhari breaks down into tears for losing all her sons. Karna is affected by it and he requests his brother, Yamraj to resurrect at least one of the Kauravas to which Yamraj agrees. 

Vikarna is resurrected for he was the one who tried to prevent Draupadi's disrobing. Things turn normal with Yudhistir's coronation.

A few years pass by, and a few people seem arguing with each other on who was right and who was wrong. Vrishaketu is amused at the people who waste their time in just arguing without doing their work. He says such bashings and complaints will go on for Yugas and Yugas, and an elderly man agrees to him. 

Kunti's one word "All" managed to save many lives(different from the Mahabharat war), esp. her own eldest son, Karna.


My heartfelt thanks to all the readers who have supported me in this long journey. I'm overwhelmed at the response of so many people who have come together and share common interests. Thank you all for bearing with me and my irregular updates. My heartfelt apologies to the people whom I've kept waiting for many days. 

I've not focused on Karn and Draupadi's romantic relationship, and my apologies for that too(especially for Karn & Draupadi shippers). I just wished to share my views and opinions. 

This was just a piece of my imagination and it has nothing to do with the original texts of the Mahabharat . I really respect Mahabharat with all my heart. 

Once again, thank you all 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Another story is coming up! Please do support it and share your views. 

ONE WORD - CHANGED THE FATE (COMPLETED ✔✔)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora