1. A bunch of depressing loners

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I stumbled out of the bathroom and scanned the bar looking for the familiar locks of blond hair. It only took me a minute to find him leaning against the bar ordering another drink.

"Harlan!" I yelled hoping I was loud enough for him to hear over the music.

I pushed through the crowd towards him trying not to get lost among the people.

It seemed like forever before I was finally falling onto the bar next to him.

"You get lost?" He chuckled looking down at me.

"No, you just keep moving around." I huffed.

Going on a trip with your best friend, her brother and her boyfriend was not the ideal situation. Mostly because my best friend and her boyfriend ditched us for the night to go and have a night just the two of them. Usually I wouldn't mind but now I was left with Harlan, her brother. The guy I'd been helplessly in love with since high school. Also the guy that had spent the last year sleeping with my roommate.

"Sorry I thought you'd want another drink." He slid the glass over to me and I smiled.

He was right, I desperately wanted that drink. I knew that drinking this much would only lead to disaster but in this moment I didn't really care about the regret I'd have in the morning. I didn't really think about all the mistakes I could make in just one night.

"Thank you." I sipped on the drink.

He just nodded and sipped on his own drink. It was only a few beats of silence before his phone lit up and he was quick to check it.

"It was just my sister, Kieran finally popped the question." He smiled slightly.

I knew that he was happy for his sister even though his relationship with Kieran was rocky at best. Going from enemies to basically family was not an easy transition.

"I thought for sure that he was going to do it yesterday but what do I know about engagements?" I chuckled.

"About as much as I do."

"Is it totally depressing that I'm here alone on spring break with my best friends brother? Sometimes I think my life is missing something."

Usually my brain worked to stop thoughts like these from being vocalized but with the large amount of alcohol I had consumed it seemed to decide to stop working.

"I guess that says something about me as well then. Who goes on spring break with their sister, her boyfriend who you can barely stand and her best friend?"

"Wow look at us a bunch of depressing loners." I joked.

"My sister is getting married and what have I done? Sometimes I wish I could be like her. Have a plan and know what your future is going to look like. I barely know what I'm doing once we get home."

"I used to think that Jade and I would get married around the same time and then have babies at the same time so our kids would be best friends. But where are my marriage prospects. I'll give you a hint, there are none." I downed the rest of my drink letting myself wallow in my own self pity.

"Guys would be lucky to be with a girl like you Ava." Harlan stared at me with a small smile on his face.

I wished when he said that it included guys like him. He didn't see himself with me ever, maybe if I actually let him he'd sleep with me but the last thing I wanted was to be another one of his many girls. I wanted to be the girl, the one he stays with in the morning not the one he dashes out on.

I didn't bother to say anything back. What was the use? I was dumb and in love and he was just dumb.

"I think I just had the worst idea anyone had ever had." He whispered in my ear.

"Do I even want to know?" I questioned raising my eyebrows at him.

"Ok so on a scale from one to ten tell me how bad of an idea this is."

I nodded.

"What if we got married right now?"

If I had still being drinking I think I would've spit my drink in his face. I stared at him for a second waiting to see if he was joking. When it was obvious he meant what he said I realized I had to give him an answer.

"Off the charts, it's the worst idea I've ever heard." I said truthfully.

His face didn't give away his reaction to my words. He didn't look relieved or upset.

"That's what I thought." He nodded.

"I say let's do it." I grinned.

It was probably the alcohol talking but who really cared. This could be a night I'd never forget. I was going to marry Harlan Shepard tonight and I really didn't care what the consequences were.

He broke out in a huge grin and stepped back from the bar.

I had no words as he got down on one knee and looked up at me with that stupid smile that melted my insides.

"Ava Martin will you make me the craziest man alive and marry me?"

I couldn't stop the bubbling laughter that escaped me as I nodded my head.

"I think this means we are officially engaged. Now let's go find the chapel and make this official." He stood up and grabbed my hand leading me out of the bar.

I ignored all the glances and stares. I knew what people were thinking, it was the same thing I was thinking in this exact moment. We were absolutely insane. But what harm can one insane night really do?

"Wait we don't have any rings." I pulled Harlan to a stop outside the bar.

"Ok so first stop rings, second stop chapel." He grinned.

I just nodded and let him sweep me away.

The regret I would feel in the morning was worth it. I'd have a night I'd never forget and what more could you really ask for when on your last spring break before you graduate and become a real adult?


So this is the first chapter of Ava's story. It's been something I've been super excited about and working hard to write and get out to you guys. I can't really write or do much right now due to my concussion but I wanted to post the first chapter for you guys.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!!

-Cora Leigh

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