39. I hate lipstick

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"Quit pouting." I smacked Harlan's arm.

"Don't hit the driver. And I'm not pouting." He only frowned even more.

"You're being way too dramatic right now." I rolled my eyes.

He's been moping around ever since we left this morning. It's not like I didn't know exactly why but it was seriously ridiculous.

"I just want my kiss. That's not dramatic."

"I have lipstick on and I gave you a lot more than a kiss this morning." I eyed him.

"I don't care about the lipstick." He argued.

"It's going to get all on you, is that what you want?" I questioned.

"If it's your lipstick then hell yes." He nodded.

"You can wait until later." I patted his arm lightly.

"Fine." He groaned as we pulled onto my parents street.

Once Harlan parked outside the house he turned to me starting to lean over before stopping himself.

"Stupid lipstick, I hate lipstick." He grumbled as he flopped back into his seat and turned the car off.

"Do you really?" I raised my eyebrows at him in question.

He looked at with one of his typical dumb smiles on his face.

"No I love it. It looks great on you babe but I'd love to see it on my-,"

"Alright we should go in." I cut him off not letting him finish that sentence.

"Yeah." He nodded stepping out of the car.

Once we were both outside he extended his hand waiting for me to grab it. I smiled as our fingers laced together, I really did love this idiot.

"You ok?" Harlan asked squeezing my hand.

"Yeah I am." I hadn't actually expected the words to be true but standing outside of my childhood home all I felt was a buzz of excited nerves.

No matter what happened today I knew everything would be ok. I had Harlan and my mom and I had been through more than just petty arguments, we'd be fine.

I reached up and rang the bell letting them know I was here before pushing the front door open and letting myself in.

"Hello?" I called out scanned the home.

"In the kitchen." Bennett called out.

"Hey." I peaked my head in and smiled at my stepdad.

"Happy late birthday Ava." He beamed before walking over and pulling me into a hug.

Once we pulled out of the hug his attention went to the tall blond next to me.

"Harlan it's good to see you." My stepdad greeted.

Bennett shook Harlan's hand and then looked between the two of us with a smile.

"You come to give your mother a heart attack?" He laughed.

"What?" I shook my head confused.

"You think I wouldn't notice the rings? Married without telling your family again?" Even with his words the smile on his face let me know he wasn't upset about the fact but fully amused.

"We went to the court house this time." I told my stepdad.

"Fully sober," Harlan added.

That made Bennett let out a loud laugh.

"Next time you marry my daughter I expect an invitation." He eyed Harlan.

"I'll keep that in mind." Harlan nodded.

I couldn't help but smile. Bennett had asked me years ago if he could call me his daughter. With my dad not being in my life Bennett was the closest thing I had to a father figure the majority of my life. I was more his daughter than I was my fathers.

"Where's mom?" I questioned looking around the empty kitchen.

"Out back murdering the poor plants." He nodded towards the backyard.

"I should." I gestured.

"Go I'll be here." Harlan gave me a smile before kissing the top of my head.

I appreciated Harlan giving me the space to talk to my mom alone first. He knew that was what I needed.

When I stepped out into the backyard I saw my mom hunched over ripping what I assumed to be weeds out of the ground.

"Be nice to the plants." I called out as she yanked another plant out of the dirt.

"It's just overgrowth." She waved me off standing up to look at me. "Happy birthday sweetheart." She smiled and walked over pulling me into a hug.

"Hi mom." I hugged her back feeling nothing but relief to be back with my mom.

"I missed you." She said.

"I know me too I just-,"

"No need to explain." She shook her head. "I'm sorry about how I acted. I know how things with you and your father are and I know how he is. I was angry and frustrated at him, not you. I took it out on you and I shouldn't have. I have your back always, I love you Ava."

I smiled at her words. It was something I had known since that phone call. Hearing the words out loud made me actually be able to put it all behind me and just be with my family.

"I love you too mom."

"So did you bring this boyfriend with you?" She questioned.

"Harlan's inside." I nodded.

Her face brightened with those words.

"You know I always had a feeling about you two, I'm glad I wasn't wrong about that."

"I actually have some news to share." I told her not exactly knowing what to expect from her reaction.

"You're pregnant?" She blurted out.

"No." My eyes widened slightly surprised that my mom would assume that immediately.

Her eyes looked right at my hand the rings seeming to stand out in the sunlight.

"You're joking." She gawked.

"We got married." I held out my hand letting her get a closer look at the rings.


"Yes mom again." I laughed lightly.

"You trying to give me a heart attack? Why wasn't I invited? When did this happen?" She rushed the questions out.

"We went down to the courthouse on my birthday. We wanted to do something just us and not make a big deal of it." I explained.

"Are you happy?"

"Happier than ever." I nodded.

"Then I'm happy." She pulled me into another hug.

"Jade is planning a reception party thing and I'd love you to come."

"I wouldn't miss it."

I walked back into the house with my mom to see Travis had made his appearance and him, Harlan and Bennet were all piled on the couch talking and watching tv. I couldn't keep the happiness from flooding my body at the sight.

I loved Harlan and it just felt right to see him here with my family acting as if he'd been here the whole time.


This is late... sorry but I got sidetracked with stuff today getting ready for the holiday. But this story is coming to an end and it's making me sad.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh

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