31. A crusty white man

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When I said one taste was not going to be enough I didn't realize how true that statement actually was.

In the past week my relationship with Harlan turned almost fully physical. We saw each other less because we both had work but when we did see each other neither of us could keep our hands to ourselves.

We had known each other for so long and there was so much we knew about each other. The talking had seemed to be put on the back burner and we caught up on the other things we hadn't been doing over the past years.

Which was what we were currently doing, on Harlan's couch.

After a long day at work I was more than happy to meet Harlan at his apartment. The second I walked in Harlan's lips were on mine and things went from there. Harlan had just slipped my top off as I laid on top of him.

Our mouths fought against each other and our hands explored each other's bodies.

"I missed you." Harlan mumbled against my lips.

I smiled and Harlan's lips left mine as he worked his way down to my neck.

"Hello friends!" Jaxon threw the front door open and I almost jumped off of Harlan.

I would've jumped off of him if he didn't have his arms wrapped tightly around me not letting me escape him. So instead of getting off Harlan I reached down for my shirt and covered myself back up.

"Hey!" Harlan raised a hand up to wave at his roommate.

"You know Harlan you have a room with a door that you two can use." Jaxon didn't see any issue with walking right over and plopping himself down at the end of the couch.

There was barely enough room for him to fit but he just pushed Harlan's legs over to make room for himself.

"Or you could use your room to give us some privacy." Harlan offered as I moved off of his lap.

Getting off of Harlan was a harder task than I would have wanted. He didn't seem all that willing to let me go but I managed to escape.

"It's my living room sweetie I do as I want." He winked and grabbed the remote to watch something on the tv.

"You know I've never once cockblocked you in all our time living together." Harlan gave his roommate a look.

"Oh please you two have been banging like rabbits, I'm just giving you guys the much needed break neither of you want."

I rolled my eyes at Jaxon. Even if he did  just interrupt Harlan and I, spending time with Jaxon was always fun.

"Who said I didn't want a break?" I questioned.

"You mounting the poor guy gave me a big hint. But I mean I get it, Harlan is a great kisser. His lips are killer but not so killer that you can't wait until you aren't in my living room."

I look between the two guys with a raised eyebrow.

"A good kisser? Speaking from experience?" I teased.

"Oh yeah. Unfortunately for Harlan I had to let him down easy and he gets none of this anymore." Jaxon gestured to himself.

"Oh shut up." Harlan rolled his eyes. "It was one kiss and if anyone enjoyed it, it was you."

"Can't argue with that one." Jaxon winked.

"I didn't know about this." I said out loud.

"Jaxon had never kissed a guy before and wanted to know what it was like so I kissed him like any good friend would." Harlan explained.

"Yes and it helped me realize how much I like men." Jaxon nodded. "Not your man though," he turned to say to me.

It honestly surprised me that the two of them had ever kissed. I mean I wasn't surprised it happened but more that I hadn't known until now.

"I'm glad you don't like my man, I would have to fight you for him and I don't know if I would win." I joked.

"Oh please as if I would ever fight over a crusty white man."

"I'm not crusty."

"Sure you're not." Jaxon just patted his shoulder.

I couldn't help but laugh at the two roommates. It wasn't hard to tell how the two of them had stayed such good friends over the years. They really just clicked.

I fell into the comfort of just hanging out with Harlan, and Jaxon I guess. As much as the sex was fun, I think I liked just being around him and talking just as much. In college he had been that person for me. Jade had moved in with Kieran and as happy as I was for her I had felt left out. I missed my best friend and Harlan had stepped right in to fill that missing piece in my life. We had been friends in high school, we had always been close but college had been the best time for us.

"Can we go to my room? I want to talk to you about something." Harlan leaned over and asked softly in my ear.

I just nodded. I didn't think I could say no to him. That one fact was dangerous because it had gotten me into trouble in the past. But now I knew that even if this relationship was still in its early stages, what we had was stronger than anything I'd ever had. I trusted Harlan more than anyone and I would follow him to the ends of the earth if I had to.

I finally had him and I wasn't ever going to let him go.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as I sat on his bed.

"I'm going to dinner with my mom and Jade on Saturday, I was hoping that you'd come with me." He smiled.

I felt my heart race. I wasn't scared to go to the dinner and tell his mom about our relationship. His mom loved me but I couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit upset because I hadn't talked to my mom in a week and I wanted to bring Harlan home like he was bringing me home.

"I'd love to. I haven't seen your mom since Jade's wedding."

"She's going to be really excited about us."

I couldn't help but agree with him.

I was ready for this dinner. And I couldn't wait to actually be apart of the family.

I was Harlan's girlfriend now so this time I was walking into that house for a whole different reason.


Trying to write for the book while blasting Taylor Swift is very dangerous..... I want them to be happy but Taylor has me in my heartbreak era.

So that sort of means I've taken a step back from writing for this book because writing happy characters is not what I want to do. I'm focusing on writing other things at the moment so I might have to reduce this to once a week uploads for a little while just until I return to writing for this book. But it's honestly for the best for my poor characters.

-Cora Leigh

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