Chapter 30 - Rogues

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They whipped their heads to the direction of the door. The man who barged in was out of breath and panic could be seen in his eyes.

As soon as the man dropped the word rogues, Jackson was already on his feet, his temperament instantly morphed into one of a chief warrior. At the same time, Austin's eyes darkened, he looked at the man who barged in and with his eyes silently ordered him to explain the situation.

The man shuddered at the cold eyes being directed him but he understood what the alpha was telling him "S-sir Felix is at the borders fighting rogues who took us by surprise. There appears to be around 60 of them Alpha"

Austin's lowered and his face turned to one of contemplation. It was unusual to see that rogues would band together in such big numbers.

Rogues were originally wolves but had committed a crime so outrageous that their alpha deemed it fit to cast them out of their pack. This was one of the heavier punishments as wolves without a pack would soon turn crazy.

Of course, there were regulations in place to make sure that they do not go out to human towns and mindlessly massacre them. these regulations were carried out by the strongest pack in that area. Austin's pack regularly kept the rogues in their land in check and so not many 'wolf attacks' took place here.

Ultimately, rogues were too violent of a group to work together, not only that but because they've lost some of their humanity they wouldn't even bat an eye before killing or stabbing each other in the back.

Seeing as the situation was more serious than he thought, he had no choice but to deal with it in person. Austin was confident enough in himself and his pack to deal with a mere 60 rogues. He was not the alpha of one of the strongest packs in the continent for no reason.

With no other choice, he stood up while gently placing Amara on her feet. He looked towards Jackson and just as he was about to order him to stay with Amara, Jackson cut him off.

"No, I am your chief warrior, it is my duty to be on the battlefield with you" his eyes were unwavering and determined. Austin knew this look, it meant that there was nothing he could do to change his mind.

Despite Jackson often being free-spirited, he was surprisingly stubborn. Seeing as there was nothing he could do to change his mind Austin sighed and reluctantly accepted.

"I will send my best warriors to guard all of them," he says before dialling their numbers.

It wasn't long until eight men appeared in Austin's office. The eight men came equipped with their weapons in hand; some had daggers; some had knives; some had guns. All of their weapons varied to fit their style.

The eight men's height at least averaged at 190cm with no signs of fat on any of their bodies.

Seeing that the strongest of his warriors were here to protect Amara Austin's heart slightly felt at ease, enough so that he could join Jackson and Felix in battle.

In Austin's mind, he believed that the rogues wouldn't even be able to get passed the borders but he would later learn that it was a mistake to underestimate your enemies.

Before leaving, he gently caressed her cheek.

"I'll be back soon"

Amara's eyes were calm with no trace of panic, not because she was reassured that Austin would protect her but because she knew she could survive.

Austin and Jackson soon left leaving Amara, Jessie, Lucy, and Mikael behind with eight highly trained warriors. Lucy tightly held her son in her arms before stealing a glance at Amara who still stood behind the desk blankly staring at the door.

Just as she was about to her mouth and say something, Jessie quickly walked toward Amara.

"Is it true? Are you a s-siren?"

Her mind was filled with the stories that she's heard about them. To her knowledge, sirens were beautiful creatures that lured sailors in with their music before mercilessly drowning them, but she couldn't see Amara do such a thing.

With the amount of time they spent together, she knew that Amara was kind, pure, and a little naive. How could such a person murder people much less eat them?

But you know what they say, you could never judge a book by its cover.  It was true that Amara did all those things and she felt no trace of guilt for it, simply because to her, it was her way of life. Just like how snakes eat rats, how frogs eat flies, even how sharks eat fish, sirens simply ate people.

After a moment, Amara finally answers her.


"Do you eat people?" her voice barely above a whisper

Amara stared at the person in front of her, she felt a small prick in her heart. She did not deny nor confirm but Jessie knew the answer. She timidly took a step back, she didn't want to believe that Amara could do such ruthless things.

"That's wrong..."

She cocked her head to the side, "Why?"

"B-because they were people" she tried to reason with her.

Jessie has always been soft-hearted. Her ideals were closer to that of humans than her own kind, maybe it was because she grew up sheltered. All of her life she did not have to see the wretched filth that plagued this world, nor the demons that took the form of humans.


No matter what Jessie said Amara was still not able to understand what she did wrong. Instead, she felt a little wronged that Jessie was acting like this towards her.

Amara lowered her head as if a great injustice was done to her. Jessie immediately felt guilty for saying the things she said, what right did she have? It wasn't as if she was a saint either. Just as she was about to apologise a loud commotion that came from outside caught their attention.

A while ago, five out of the eight warriors had already left and stationed themselves outside. The remaining three warriors were instantly on alert, they shoved the Amara, Jessie, Lucy, and Mikael behind them and formed a protective barrier. Jessie manoeuvred her way in front of Amara trying her best to keep her guarded while Lucy tightly held on to Mikael.


Suddenly, an unfamiliar object shot through the window smashing it open, the object flew towards them before piercing the wall behind them. The warriors widened in momentary surprise before tightening the protective circle, Amara and the rest were squashed together.

They waited for another attack to be thrown at them but found that the dagger was not originally aimed at them. Sounds of combat carried through the window, Marcus - who was one of the warriors protecting Amara - cautiously walked towards the window and looked down.

From what he could see the five warriors that were stationed outside were fighting against a horde of rogues that were attempting to break into the house. It was clear to see that the warriors were heavily outnumbered, 5-15.

Each of the five warriors were preoccupied battling 3 enemies at once, giving the chance for four sly rogues to get past them, enabling them to enter the building. Although the building was big it wasn't so big that it would take them hours to find a single office.

Seeing as the rogues have entered the building, Marcus figured that it wouldn't be long until they found them. The three warriors aura changed into one that leaked murderous intent, so much so that the people behind them could sense it.

Amara who had a strong survival instinct, immediately realised that something was wrong and her muscles immediately tensed indicating that she was ready for battle.

Jessie who stood in front of her did not notice the change in her demeanour as she too prepared herself for battle. Her usually bright eyes turned dark and harsh, causing her entire atmosphere to change into someone completely different.

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