Chapter 1 - Sirens

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The moon shone brightly in the sky, casting its light on the endless darkness that stretched out before it. The night was filled with the sound of howling winds and the crashing of waves against the shore.

A single ship sailed the ocean, unaware that it was approaching the home of the sirens. Music and laughter echoed from the ship, traveling under the waves and alerting the deadly creatures that lived in the dark depths below. A pair of emerald green eyes opened as the sirens sensed their prey getting closer to their hunting ground. It was not just this one siren that sensed this, but all the other creatures as well. Without needing to communicate, they left their home to hunt the unlucky men who had stumbled into their trap.

The sirens' eyes, which glowed a beautiful green, remained cold and uncaring, and yet no one could ignore the allure of these eyes. One by one, the sirens broke the surface of the water, and dozens of them were present, patiently waiting for the moon to reach its peak before beginning their hunt. As the moon slowly rose, a thin layer of fog surrounded the surface, concealing them.

The stretch of silence was broken by a haunting melody, as a combination of many voices merged into one lure, a lure to bring these men to their deaths. The noise and chatter from the ship grew quiet, their voices echoing in the sailors' ears as if it was the only thing they could hear. Their eyes drooped and became dazed as they were led into a trance-like state. They felt something compelling them to move forward, as if their bodies no longer belonged to them and they had lost control of their limbs. The air trembled. They could no longer fight off the compulsion, and as if surrendering their bodies, they dropped whatever they were holding.

Slowly, they walked to the edge of their ship, looking out at the sea that stretched for miles. They tried their hardest to find the source of that enchanting lure, when one of them pointed out towards the sea. "There!" the man yelled. The man pointed at a shadowed figure who was concealed by a thin layer of mist. "There's another one over there!"

One by one, these sailors discovered the sirens scattered around the ship. As the fog receded, they were taken aback by the sheer beauty of these mysterious creatures. They had long hair that cascaded down their chests, beautiful eyes that could easily captivate anyone, and a bluish-gray skin tone that made them seem otherworldly, as if they didn't belong in this mundane world. To top it off, the glow of the moon reflecting off their scales gave the illusion that they were covered in diamonds.

Their strange features didn't make them look monstrous, but rather made them seem like creatures that didn't belong in this world, making it hard for the sailors to look away, afraid that they would simply disappear if they did. The sailors' eyes flashed with greed, turning dark and murky. "I want it," they thought.

The sirens didn't miss the change in their eyes and decided it was time to finally begin. They lifted their hands from the water and reached out to the sailors, silently beckoning them to come closer. Too muddled to think of anything else, the sailors unhesitatingly jumped into the water and desperately swam towards the sirens.

The sirens lightly smiled at the sight, finding pleasure in the sailors' desperation. When one sailor finally reached his destination, he was slightly overwhelmed by the beauty of the siren up close. He couldn't help but smile victoriously, thinking that he could have his way with the beautiful creature. He leaned forward, expecting a kiss, and just as their lips were about to touch, the siren abruptly dove underwater, leaving the sailor to kiss nothing but empty air. However, the sailor merely laughed, thinking that the siren was merely teasing him.

The siren swam around the sailor's legs before pulling him down. He screamed in surprise "Ah!" before a mouthful of water entered his mouth, causing him to close it again. The siren continued pulling him deeper and deeper beneath the water, with no signs of letting go. The air in the man's lungs began to run out, and panic set in as he realized that he was not going to make it back to the surface.

As the man's body went limp, the siren finally let go and swam away, leaving the man's lifeless body to drift in the dark depths of the ocean. The other sailors met the same fate, lured to their deaths by the sirens' enchanting melodies and alluring appearances.

As the moon reached its peak and the fog dissipated, the sirens retreated back to their underwater home, satisfied with their hunt and the lives they had taken. The ocean was left with only the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the memory of the sailors who had fallen victim to the sirens' deadly lure.

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