Chapter 29 - Fear

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"So you know what you are... But do you have the right to judge someone when you don't know anything about them? Yes, you may be one of us but you were raised as a human with human ideals and morals?" Her words surprisingly came out articulate and fluent completely different from someone who could barely construct a sentence a couple of days ago.

"It is true, we kill, but so do the people around you. I can smell the blood coming off of them. Don't forget we are predators"

They were stunned into silence, they never expected Amara to speak so well nor openly admit that she was a siren, but were also surprised that she was able to distinguish the faint smell of blood lingering from them. this was unusual because they made sure to thoroughly mask the scent.

"Do you hate what you are? A half-human, half-siren, someone who was not supposed to exist; a freak of nature as humans call it."

She didn't want to admit it but every one of her words dug deep into Lucy's heart. It was true, she had never felt like she belonged anywhere, she always thought she was a monster; looking at people as if they were food.

She was someone who felt more at home drowning in water than in air, it wasn't until her father finally told her about her mother did she discover the reasons as to why she was like this, so out of place. She spent years researching sirens, from textbooks; to myths; to even reading college thesis papers; she was desperate to find any slither of information about her but because had no one to teach her about these things she had to rely on herself.

After finding all of the information she could about them, instead of feeling secure, she felt horrified. She didn't want to be a heartless killer, and so she locked that part of herself away not daring to go near it. She created a mask almost to perfection and restrained her hunger. Her nature. She trained herself not to feel the intense craving of ripping a man apart and after a few years of constant practice, it worked.

She clenched her fist, she wanted to deny everything but deep down she knew she was right.

"Amara..." a hoarse voice spoke. Amara looked at Austin who was looking at her questionably.

"H-how?" He remembered that it was only a couple of days ago that she was speaking a couple of words but now she's speaking as if she had been talking English her whole life.

At his question, she tilted her head to the side and simply said "I've been learning of course"

Saying that they were shocked would be an understatement. She learned a new language in a few days?!

"W-wait a second, are you guys just gonna forget that she's a siren?" Jackson interrupted

Of course they didn't forget! A mythical creature that they would never think existed was sitting in the same room as them, how could they forget? But she's been dropping bomb after bomb, now even they questioned whether or not pigs had the ability to fly.

They simultaneously looked at her, some with wonder, some with shock, some with curiosity.

Amara looked at each of them and analysed their reactions only to find that none of them feared, nor held any hostility towards her. She unconsciously let out a breath of relief she did not know she was holding in. Relief? Why was she feeling relief? Was she relieved because they weren't going to kill her?

Yes, that may be it.

She recalled the first time she came here. She feared that these humans would treat her like the stories she had been constantly told about, but after realising that they were not human her fear slightly lessened.

But after spending time with them she couldn't help but hope that they were different, that they would not look at her differently, especially Austin. She didn't know what she felt for him but she felt that she'd be a little sad if he were to look at her the same way those sailors looked at her. A monster.

Austin took this time to digest everything and looked back on all the things he might have missed and a lot of the strange behaviour that she was displaying started making sense.

"Why didn't you tell me...?" He asked as if feeling wrong, he knew that it wasn't his fault nor hers but he still couldn't help but feel as if he could have done more.

Amara merely blinked "why?"

His heart clenched "because... I'm your mate"

Confusion flashed through her eyes at the unfamiliar word, mate? What is that?

Seeing her confusion, a sudden realisation hit them. They had not told her what they were.

After a moment of surprise, Austin's tone became gentle.

"Remember how I told you that I am not human? Love, I am is a werewolf and we have a very special trait within our kind. It is said that long ago the Gods split a soul in half so each individual only possessed half of their souls until they find their mates. You are my mate, Amara."

Amara pondered on this, does this mean that he is someone I'm going to love?


Amara wrinkled her eyebrows

"I see..." she said slowly

Austin tenderly caressed her face as he held her a little bit tighter. He buried his face in her neck indulging in her scent.

This small window of peace was abruptly interrupted when a man barged in, he was breathing heavily and his face contorted with anxiousness

"Alpha! Rogues!"


Hey guys, so I literally have NO IDEA how to name chapters, so if my chapter thingy is a bit weird then you know why.....

Sorry again if I have any grammar errors and if you spot anyone of them pleaseeeeeeeee tell me, I'll fix them right away. Anyway, its that time of year for high school students (where I'm from) and can you guess what it is?




EXAMS!!!! (uwuwu)

And yayyyy Amara's finally sprouting some feeling for Austin awwwww

Do you guys think Austin is a bit of a simp?

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