Chapter 8

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"Emmett, get off of me," Lex complained as she was crushed by his body weight. They had been fighting over who had control over the remote. Emmett wanted to watch sports, but Lex wanted to watch literally anything else. "I can and will throw you across this room."

"You won't," he taunted. That was true. Esme had just cleaned, and Lex didn't want to undo all of her hard work— especially when Esme had been nothing but kind and supportive to her since she had arrived. 

"I... can't... breathe," Lex wheezed out.

"Oh shit," Emmett said as he jumped up. "Are you oka— wait a minute!"

"I can't believe you fell for that," she cackled. "Bro, we're fucking dead. We don't breathe."

"Shut up," he pouted. 

Lex was really glad that she didn't have to breathe anymore because she would've been in physical pain over how hard she was laughing.

She had been with the Cullens for almost two weeks now, and she was adjusting really well to them and their lifestyle. She had grown pretty close with them in the short time that she had been there, and she was excited to see that her eyes were even starting to change color. The vibrant red was tinged orange from the topaz yellow color that was beginning to emerge.

"Lex, be nice to Emmett," Rosalie chimed in as she emerged from the stairs. Emmett grinned in victory, finally someone was taking his side, but Lex had a feeling that there was more. She smirked in anticipation.

"His brain cells never came back to life when he did," she finished. There it was.

Lex snorted as Emmett let out a huff. "You guys are mean."

"Aw, we're just kidding, Em," Lex cooed at him as she playfully shoved him.

"I'll show you kidding," Emmett said as he tackled her, and they began to wrestle. Rosalie quirked an eyebrow at them— when those two were hanging out, it was like they turned into children.

"No rough housing in the house!" a motherly voiced bellowed from another room.

"Sorry, Esme," the two vampires called back in unison as they stopped play-fighting. 

"Hey do you wanna go running today?" Rosalie asked Lex. Since Lex couldn't be around humans yet, one of the few things that she was allowed to do was run around the forest. Since Edward's human mate, Bella, came around to the Cullen house quite frequently, Lex and at least one other vampire were usually sent out to go hunting or running or some other activity that they could do in the forest. Usually Rosalie volunteered to hang out with Lex when Bella came over.

Running quickly became an activity that Rosalie and Lex looked forward to doing together. It was nice— they would run for a while, find a pretty spot to hang out, and spend the rest of the day talking about anything and everything.

 "Of course," Lex grinned. She got this warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach every time that Rosalie invited her to do things. It felt like she swallowed sunlight or something— she had never felt it before she met Rosalie.

Minutes later, as they ran through the trees, neither of them could resist grinning. When they were together, things just felt right. Every bad thing that had ever happened to the two of them hurt less when they shared them with each other. 

As they reached a clearing in the trees, the two girls slowed down to a stop. The clouds parted overhead, and the sun made an appearance. The sunlight peeked through the trees, and it caused a yellow glow to illuminate the clearing. It was picturesque.

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