Chapter 6

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Lex emerged from the bathroom wearing Rosalie's clothes, and much to her surprise, the other girl was still waiting for her.

"Oh, hey. I didn't think that you would still be here."

Rosalie shrugged. "I didn't have anything better to do."

Lex noticed Rosalie's eyes flash to the slightly raised band-like scars around her arms. "I got my arms ripped off... a few times," Lex explained. "It took me a while to learn how to fight back."

Rosalie furrowed her brow. She knew better than most that people were capable of despicable things, but that never made it easier for her to comprehend.

"Didn't you have people to watch out for you? People who taught you how to take care of yourself?" she asked. It wasn't at all critical— she was genuinely curious.

"It wasn't really like that," Lex replied solemnly. "It was safer to be alone. Everything that we learned was by coincidence. Or it was something that Riley told us... Though, I don't think that anything he ever said counted as teaching. Most of it was lies."

It saddened Rosalie to realize that Lex had been just as vulnerable as a vampire as Rosalie had been when she was a human. 

Noticing Rosalie's pensive silence, Lex offered a bit more information. "It really wasn't so bad. I mean, I'm still alive and I still have all of my limbs. Some of the others weren't so lucky."

Lex moved her arms a little as if to prove the fact that they were still there. 

That did little to soothe Rosalie's concern. 

"You don't have to be alone anymore," Rosalie said softly, almost sounding embarrassed. She wasn't used to being vulnerable with people, but she felt like she owed it to Lex for making her share so much personal stuff so quickly after meeting. 

"You have us now."

Lex smiled at her. "I'm glad."

The two girls rejoined the rest of the coven in the living room. 

"Alice," Lex started. "When you said that you saw me with yellow eyes, what did you mean?"

It had peaked her curiosity, but she hadn't really had the opportunity to bring it up.

"I have visions," Alice chirped. "Of the future."

"Really?" Lex asked excitedly. "That's so cool! How does it work? Is it like watching a movie in your head? Can you, like, guess the winning lotto numbers?"

"It mostly revolves around people's choices," Alice replied thoughtfully. "Sometimes the visions change when people change their minds. So no, I can't rig the lottery, but if you bought a ticket, I would probably be able to tell you if you would win or not. But yeah, I guess you could say it's like a movie in my head. I always thought about them more as memories that haven't happened yet."

"Awesome," Lex said. "So you knew that I would say yes to Carlisle's invitation?"

"I sure did," Alice beamed.

"And you knew that Carlisle would offer?" Lex continued.

"Yes," Alice replied.

"Woah," Lex said. Alice had such a cool gift— it made Lex wonder about everyone else in her new coven. Would they be scared of her gift? It scared her sometimes.

"Why would we be scared of your gift?" Edward asked with a frown, his brow furrowed. His mind was filled with concerns for his family and his mate. Had they brought unnecessary danger into their home? He thought that Carlisle had been a bit hasty with his invitation. Edward didn't care if Alice had seen Rosalie and Lex together— he had his own mate to worry about and protect.

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