Chapter 20:

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James had walked away to use the bathroom and Tomeka felt really relieved for a little while. All he had to do was stay away until she figured out with Terrence was going to do about his mother. She stood in the hallway for a while not wanting to walk into the room. Soon two women came out of the room looking like they have both seen ghost. How many women had Terrence had nobody knew but everyone was about to find out?

This is way too much for one person to handle all these women were in this room tied to Terrence in some way. Everyone in that room had lost someone in some way. As soon as they came and take his mother away Terrence began to cry. How could this have happened? He was just talking to his mother yesterday. His heart was broken, but not as broken as it was about to be.

Glitter walked out of the room wondering what was happening. Sasha followed wondering where she was going. She looked long and hard at glitter while she held her stomach. Wondering if she should say something or not, she watched glitter walk off and go into the bathroom. She was sick to her stomach with pain thinking she was just face to face with Terrence's wife.

Meanwhile Glitter was in the bathroom pacing trying to figure out what was happening. She too was sick to her stomach wondering who the women in the room were. She was sure the one holding his mother's hand was his sister but who was the other woman who walked in calling his name. She was confused but not really upset enough to cause a scene. Even though she wanted to say something she stood there watching Glitter walk away. What was she thinking coming here? He had not called her to let her know, and she was here with her friend who she was not sure if she should trust now. What was she going to do now?

Tonya walked into the bathroom as Sasha was coming out. Sasha looked into Tonya's dark red eyes and saw that she was hurt. For days she had visited with her mother, and on today of all days she had lost her mother and found her brother. Sasha wanted to tell her so bad what had been going on with her and Terrence, but she did not want her to hurt anymore then she already was. Even though Terrence was not hers, Sasha still felt wrong that she had unknowingly slept with her brother.

Once the nurses and morticians were done in the room everyone walked out all at once. Terrence walked alongside his mother until they told him he could not enter the next set of doors they came to. He stood there a while as his mother disappeared into one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. When he turned around, he could see Sasha and Glitter at the end of the hall. At that very moment he knew he was caught but did not care.

He walked over to Glitter took her by her and started to walk away as if he did not see Sasha standing directly across from her. Sasha became angry as he got further and further away. When he got close to the hospital doors, he turned around and looked her dead in the eyes. Sasha screamed his name, and glitter turned around to look as well.

"Terrence how the fuck you gone look me dead in my face and walk away from me like you don't know me. Like we ain't been fucking since you got married to her." yelled Sasha.

The attention was on them not. Everyone in the hospital was looking at them. The police were gone, and the nurses were looking at Terrence to see what his reaction to Sasha would be. Terrence, not wanting glitter to see him act a fool, walked out the door.

"So, you don't fucking here me talking to you?" Said Sasha following him out the door.

"Man gone on somewhere" replied Terrence "ion feel like this shit"

"You don't gotta deal with it, I know who you are now. I know what you been doing." She said turning to walk away.

Terrence ran after her and grabbed her arm. She pulled away looking at him, holding her fist tight as if she were going to hit him. He looked at her and could see her hurt but he did not care. All he wanted her to do was leave.

"I'll deal with you later" he said in a serious voice.

"Can you take me home? Now please?" Glitter asked as firmly as she could.

"I'm sorry mam I feel like I should tell you who your husband really is." Sasha yelled.

"My husband? You're married?" She said as she turned and looked at Terrence.

"Like that matters glitter some on baby I'll take you home!" He said pulling her arm.

Sasha looked at Terrence and glitter as they stood over to the side and talked. She did not know either. He had played them both. Sasha knew he was a dog, but she never thought of the day she would be right there seeing for herself that he only cared of himself. She was dazed, he had told her he loved her. She gave herself to him, and all she was to him was sex and money. She was beyond devastated.

At this point nothing more could hurt her. She was damaged by her best friend, then found out she was just broken even more her boyfriend. Him, not really being her boyfriend at all, also her best friends' brother. Who was not just cheating on her but was cheating on his wife as well. Her heart begins to pound, how was it that she was so blind? Could this night go any worse than it had before? Nobody can deal with this much pain all at once, but Sasha had been through so much of it in the past few weeks. When would it end?

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