chapter 6:

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Tonya was awake and Sasha was sleeping. Tonya got up and walked in the kitchen naked. She wondered how Sasha was able to afford such beautiful home and she did not have a job. No worries this was not her concern.

She went into to fridge and took out the bacon and eggs from the shelf. She began setting up the kitchen and started to cook. She was stilling thinking about when the perfect time would be to tell Sasha why she was there. She did not know how Sasha would react to anything that she had to say, she was scared that why she had come would change everything that they had ever had. She did not just miss her friend, she wanted to get this off her chest.

When Sasha just up and left Tonya was heartbroken. What would she do? Sasha walked away and never said goodbye. Tonya figured that it was something she did to make her feel terrible. She wanted to know why she left but she put it behind her. She had other things going on and it made Tonya bitter and lonely.

Sasha walked in the kitchen just as Tonya was finishing the eggs were getting done. She was looking like she was ready to fight. Tonya looked at her and knew she did not have a good night it is about to get crazy and she knew it.

"Good morning beautiful, " said Tonya cutting up fresh fruit for Sasha. "How was your night?"

"it was great everything was great." Said Sasha.

"That's good to know." Tonya said passing Sasha her breakfast.

Sasha did not know why Tonya had come to her house, nor why she was making her breakfast like they had been together for a while. But she was going to find out. She started to brace herself for what was going to happen next.

"Tonya why are you here?" Sasha said firmly as she pushed the plate to the side.

"are you not hungry?" Tonya said putting on her robe.

"Why are you avoiding my question, why are you here?"

Tonya walked out of the kitchen and found her way back to the living room. She walked over to the table with the liquor and bravely poured herself and Sasha a drink. They sat there on the couch quietly for a while before Sasha broke the silence.

"Whatever it is can be solved, if you need help tell me." Sasha said.

Tonya took a deep breath; she was scared but she needed Tonya more than she had ever needed Sasha before. She started to tremble. The pain in her heart grow more and more each moment. For every breath she took, the fear took over her body. Her heart being to race, the blood grew hot in her veins. She suddenly felt regret.

"Tonya?" Sasha said seriously looking into her eyes "tell me." Sasha walked over and placed her hand on Tonya's leg. "Please!!"

"Ok," Tonya whispered looking into her glass. She finished her drink. "I slept with your uncle"

Sasha looked up "really?" she began to laugh, "girl that is not that bad, which one?"

Sasha had only one uncle she was close to. The other two only came around when they wanted something. None of them stayed near and she was never connected by none of the three, which is why she claimed to have no family.

"Joey" Tonya replied softly.

Sasha could not believe her ears. She had a one point talked to her uncle every day. How could he not tell her that? She took her hand off Tonya's knee. She looked away in disbelief. This was not right her uncle was always honest with her. He knew who Tonya was to her.

"Yeah sure," she said making sure Tonya heard the sarcasm in her voice. She was convinced Tonya was lying to her. "He would have told me"

"I asked him not to" she said sad and hurt. "but that's not all, we had a baby"

Sasha got up and walked off. She was still trying to figure out why her uncle would do such a thing knowing who Tonya was to her. She told him everything. Why would he keep a whole family from her?

"Sasha please let me finish" Tonya followed her.

"Where is the baby? Why is he or she not here? Boy or girl?" asked Sasha.

"Boy, and he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen" cried Tonya.

"Was? What do you mean was?" exclaimed Sasha.

"He was still born; this was two months ago. He and I both loved jay-jay" said Tonya in deep pain.

"Jay-jay?" Sasha said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes Joey Jr." said Tonya.

"You're lying," yelled Sasha "Why would you say these things? Where is Joe? I'm going to call him!"

"No, it's not a lie. None of this was supposed to happen. Us, the baby, the marriage...."

"Marriage?" Sasha screamed as she cut Tonya off.

"Yes" Tonya whispered showing her the ten-karat princess cut diamond ring on her finger.

Sasha stared; she had not noticed it before. Had it always been there? This is unreal. Sasha could not believe her eyes. Suddenly she felt herself charge toward Tonya. Tonya plunged into the floor. Sasha yelled hitting Tonya harder with every punch. They rolled and tussled. Soon Tonya gave up. Their robes were torn.

"I haven't talked to him in months, where is he? He will tell me the truth" Sasha said trying to catch her breath.

Tonya got up and sat on the couch. "He's dead."

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