Chapter 4:

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I need to get over him, just because he looks good does not mean he is what I need. Eight years we been doing this, eight years we been married, and he don't care shit bout what I need, or how I feel. I was supposed to come first, but it's my fault I let him run me over. I don't think he ever loved me. He couldn't have the way this is ending now. This is a very terrible feeling, I lost him years ago. Now it is time for me to go.

Tomeka had been riding around all day. Nowhere to go and nothing to do. She had no friends; she had given all of them up when she had met Terrence. She lived her life for him. No one knew who she was or where she was from. This was going to be fun.

"good afternoon miss" said a tall and serious type gentleman, "How are you this evening?"

Tomeka snapped backed to reality, "I'm sorry are you talking to me?" she said smiling.

Tomeka figured that since it had been so long since had been out, she would go to the Palace Mirage, and treat herself. As she was being seated, she noticed how warm and friendly the atmosphere was. She could see couples everywhere, but she was not upset at all. Tonight, was not that kind of night.

As she enjoyed her food, the same tall man approached her. She was calm but not really wanting to talk.

"Are you enjoying yourself your meal mam" said the man with a glow in his eye.

"Yes, yes I am. It's really lovely."

"Do you mind, " he said as he pointed at the table across from the table.

"Not at all, please have a seat." She said.

He sat down and stared at her. She was so focused on how he was looking at her, she did not notice that he had on the uniform of a doorman. She cleared her throat and her eyes met his. He had a glared in his eyes that she could not ignore. There was something about him, she couldn't figure out what. What was a man looking as good as him doing working here?

"So how does a beautiful woman, such as yourself end up eating alone?" he said looking into her eyes.

"I just felt like getting out" she said as she took a sip from her glass.

She signaled for the waiter and asked for the check. She was just about to go, but before she could reach for her purse the doorman called the man again. The waiter came to the table with the check in his hand. The doorman took it and signed his name.

"This one is on the house." He said with a big smile.

The waiter smiled and said "Yes sir Mr. Johnson" then he walked away.

"you would do that for me, you don't even know me like that." Tomeka said as her eyes met his as they once did before.

"Yes, beautiful I would. I take pride I treat my women" he said

Tomeka frowned, "women?" she said as she picked up her purse and stood up. "sorry I'm not the sharing type"

"No, you have to wrong idea." He said as he reached for her arm. But she had pulled away and walked toward the restrooms.

When she made it outside, she called for her car. To her surprise it had never been parked. It was right next the owners park. When she asked them about it the man taking the tickets smiled and said the owner told them to park it there. She did not complain. Tomeka walked over to her car and there was a note on the window:

Enjoyed our conversation. Would love to see you again.

Your friend,

The doorman.

why would he leave this on my car, but he got women though? I do not have time for him. I have a husband at home I don't want to be around, why would I want to be around him. He is nice and everything. I'm good though.

Tomeka drove to a hotel quietly, she did not want to go home. Not after what she had gone through with Terrence. She was done, and nothing could change that this time. Maybe this was it, time to file the papers. She hated that this was what she had to do, but he gave up their marriage a long time ago. He was cheating and he did not even care to hide it.

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