it's been a while *request*

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requested by @evaisinlove, enjoy!! <3

(Your POV)

As I watch Timothée walk away, I just feel numb. I don't cry, don't feel sad, just feel numb. And blindsided. How could a say that started out so great end so terribly?

Earlier today I found out I was pregnant. Timothée and I weren't planning on having a kid, at least not yet, but one thing led to another and I ended up with a positive pregnancy test in my hands this morning. I was so excited, too. Sure, becoming a parent is scary, especially when you weren't planning on it. But I had Timothée, and I knew everything would be perfect with him by my side.

That's right, I had Timothée. As I was preparing to break the news of my pregnancy to Timothée at dinner tonight, he blurted out a sorry excuse for a break up. He mumbled on about not being in the right headspace for a serious relationship, about wanting time to figure out his own life before focusing on a girlfriend. He even threw in the "it's not you, it's me," phrase amongst his rambling.

I was so shocked by the sudden breakup. We had been together for over a year already. If he didn't want a serious relationship, why didn't he end it months ago? Why didn't he say something?

Caught up in everything Timothée said, I forgot that I was even pregnant for a moment. As he stood to leave, I almost mentioned it. I almost told him that I was carrying his child. But he obviously wants nothing to do with me. He said it himself, he just wants to be alone right now. So I held off, remaining silent and keeping the pregnancy to myself.

So now I stand at the front door, watching Timothée wall out of my life, clueless that he has a baby on the way.

Over the next few weeks, I try to get into contact with Timothée, but to no avail. He should know that I'm pregnant, regardless of the circumstance. But like I said, he doesn't want anything to do with me, so every text goes unread and every call goes straight to voicemail. After a month of trying to reach him, I give up. I guess he won't know about the baby.

I spend the next nine months struggling through the pregnancy. It's hard for every woman, but I imagine it would be a little easier with Timothée by my side. Through all the highs, like finding out it's a girl and feeling her kick, I do t have Timothée there to celebrate. And through all the lows, like morning sickness and unbearable pain, he's not there to help me through it. I'm alone, having a baby all on my own.

When the baby is finally born, all I can see is Timothée staring back at me. She has his striking blue-green eyes, his dark hair, and sharp features.

The day she is born, I decide on a name: Zara. It seems to fit her perfectly, like the name Zara was created just for my little girl. As I hold her to my chest just hours after she is born, I whisper softly to my daughter.

"You look just like your daddy, Zara," I whisper. "Good thing. I'm sorry you couldn't meet him today. Maybe you will someday. I'm sure he would love you soooo much."

I place a gentle kiss to Zara's forehead and notice a tear drop slipping down my cheek. How I wish Timothée was here right now. He's supposed to be here. He was supposed to be here all along.

I quickly wipe my tears, however. Today is a good day, for crying out loud. The best day of my life. I welcomed my little girl to the world, and that's a wonderful thing, with or without her father beside me.

Three months later...

Today Zara officially turns three months old, and I thought we would celebrate by taking a nice walk through town to our favorite little bakery. Even though Zara can't eat any of the delicious treats, she loves the people that work there and always has the biggest smile on her face when we walk in.

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