poolside pt. 2

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(Your POV)

As I pack all of my clothes into my suitcase, I hear a knock on the hotel room door. I hurry to open the door, but when I look into the hallway no one is there. As I am about to close the door, I notice a small scrap of white paper on the floor. I pick it up and see my name scrawled in messy handwriting. When I see the note on the opposite side, I smile from ear to ear.

Meet me at the pool. 8:00.
- Timothée

Ever since the incident at the pool, Timothée and I have been spending a lot of time together on the island. We've been to the pool, restaurants, and even went surfing together. I've gotten the opportunity to learn all about his life, and he's learned all about mine.

And as much as I don't want to admit it, I've definitely caught feelings for Timothée. I never expected to meet someone as amazing as him on the girls trip, but I can't seem to get him off my mind. He's so funny, sweet, and kind, and he makes me feel like a princess.

"What's that?" Y/B/F asks, snapping me from my daydreaming.

"Oh, it's nothing," I lie as I close the door and return to packing my suitcase.

"That smile on your face says otherwise. Come on, you know I already know who it's about..."

"Fine. Timothée left me a note telling me to meet him at the pool at 8!"

Y/B/F and O both squeal and jump up and down in excitement.

"OMG! Y/N! This is huge news! He invited you back to the place you met. At night. Which means you'll be alone with him. Agh! This is such great news."

"I know! I'm excited to spend some alone time with him. We haven't gotten much and I want to sit down with him before I leave tomorrow."

"You better start getting ready. You want to look extra cute so he knows what he'll be missing when you leave," Y/B/F says with a wink. "I'll help you."

After hours of picking out the perfect outfit, doing my hair, and applying my makeup, I am finally ready to go to the pool.

"You got this girl! I'll be up here if you need anything," Y/B/F says.

"Thanks! Wish me luck!"

"Good luck!"

I make my way downstairs and follow the tiki lit path to the pool. When I arrive, the area is empty. When I check the time, I realize I'm a few minutes early so I sit at the edge of the pool and sip my feet in. Even though it's night time, the air is still hot, so the cool water feels nice.

Suddenly, I hear someone shout "CANNONBALL" before a huge splash shoots water up at me, soaking me from head to toe. Timothée's head pops out from the surface and I give him a playful glare.

"What an entrance," I say with a smile. "It's almost like you've done it before."

"Well, you know, first impressions matter," Timothée says as he climbs out of the pool and sits beside me on the concrete.

"Aw man, my makeup is running," I say as I realize the water dripping down my face.

"You still look absolutely beautiful," Timothée says, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as he does so, and I swear an electric current runs through me when his finger brushes past my ear. When he pulls his hand back to his lap, I can't help but miss the feeling of his touch.

"Thank you," I say. "So I'm leaving tomorrow morning. To go back home."

Timothée looks down into the rippling water and frowns.

"Yeah. I know. I wish you weren't though."

"I wish I wasn't either. I'll miss this beautiful island so much."

"Anything else you'll miss?"

"The piña coladas."


"The warm weather. And this super sweet pool."

"Oh," Timothée says with a frown.

"Oh! And I forgot. I'll miss you most of all," I say, leaning in to kiss Timothée on the cheek. It was a bold love to make, and as I pull away I worry that I took everything too far. But Timothée turns to look at me with the biggest smile on his face.

Without another word, Timothée takes my face in his hands and kisses me, sparks flying as soon as our lips connect. My arms wrap behind his neck and his find a new place around my waist. We kiss for a long time, neither one of us wanting to break away for fear that if we do, the other will be gone.

Finally, I pull away to catch my breath. My forehead rests on Timothée's and we both breath heavily. My arms are still around his neck, his are still around my waist. When I open my eyes, I see Timothée already watching me, a grin plastered to his handsome face.

"You are amazing, Y/N," Timothée whispers. "What am I going to do without you?"

"What am I going to do without you?" I question back to him.

"Give me your phone number. I can't just let you leave this place without being able to see you or talk to you ever again."

I give Timothée my phone number and he gives me his. I save his contact in my phone as "Pool Boy," I nickname I gave him the first day we met, along with a photo of him with sipping wet hair.

"I've had the best time with you this past week," I say. "You've pushes me out of my comfort zone a lot, but I'm so glad you did. And you are the sweetest guy I've ever met, too. I'm sad that I won't be able to see you in the morning."

"Well I've had the best time with you, too. You're something special, Y/N."

"Promise me you'll call?"

"Pinky promise." Timothée holds out his pinky finger and I wrap mine around his, sealing a promise I know he won't break.

"Well, I should be going now. I have an early flight to catch," I say.

Timothée sighs and stands up. He reaches his hand down for me to take. When I take it, I pull down, making him fall back into the pool. When he surfaces, Timothée has an evil look in his eye. Realizing what he's about to do, i screech and try to get up, but Timothée grabs my ankles before I can get up, pulling me in the water with him.

When I come back up, I see Timothée smiling wickedly at me.

"I should've known," I say.

Timothée doesn't say anything, just a swims over to me and kisses me, once again sucking me into the make out loop.

The sound of the pool gate clinging makes us pull apart, and a security guard shines a flashlight in our direction.

"You two aren't supposed to be in here, pools closed!" The security guard barks.

Timothée and I look at each other and laugh. He helps me out of the water and the two of us walk back towards my room, both dripping wet. At my room, I turn around to give Timothée one final kiss.

"Thank you for everything, Pool Boy."


hi! thank you to -DREAMCATCHERR for suggesting that i do a pt. 2 to this imagine! i hope it cleared some stuff up and that y'all like it!

sorry for not updating when i said i would! some shit happened in real life and i had to deal w that, but i have a bunch of imagines ready to go so I will be posting those over the next few days!

requests are still open, so pm me if you want to request an imagine!

thx for all the support & luv! it means so much to me! pls don't forget to like share, and follow for more!

much love, lyra <3

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