city of love

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(Your POV)

Roaming through the tiny French grocery store, I fill a basket with an assortment of fancy French cheeses and chocolates.

"What do you think of this one?" I ask Timothée, holding up a bottle of red wine.

"Looks delicious," Timothée says.

I put the bottle into the the basket along with the other items and we pay at the register.

Once outside of the store, I can't help but skip along the sidewalk, a smile glued to my face. Timothée and I are in Paris this week, and this is my first ever time here. He promised to show me all of the most beautiful sights in Paris. Tonight, we are having a nighttime picnic in front of the shimmering Eiffel Tower.

I skip ahead of Timothée and hear him chuckle at me.

"So I guess you're excited, huh?" Timothée says as he catches up to me and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him as we walk.

"Very excited. I've always dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower at night. I'm just so happy it's actually happening."

"Well, I'm glad I get to be with you while you experience it for the first time."

"I wouldn't want to be with anyone else," I say as I lean my head against Timothée's shoulder and he kisses the top of it.

We turn a corner and suddenly I perk up, running ahead of Timothée and jumping all around. The Eiffel Tower stands above us, thousands of tiny lights sparkling along it.

"Look! It's the Eiffel Tower!" I shout to Timothée excitedly, attracting a few stares from strangers.

Timothée just smiles and once again runs up to catch up with me. We find an empty spot in a grassy patch in front of the Eiffel Tower to lay down our blanket and picnic basket.

While Timothée sets everything up, I stare up at the iconic statue. It's even better than I imagined.

(Timothée's POV)

When I finish setting up the picnic, I sit down on the blanket and admire my beautiful girlfriend. The Eiffel Tower is beautiful, but it doesn't even compare to Y/N.

She has this sparkle in her eyes, the one she gets every time she sees something new.

She has a smile on her face, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

She has her hands held close to her heart, as if she's trying to capture this exact moment in her memory.

I could stare at her all day. I've never met someone as utterly amazing as Y/N. How did I end up so lucky?

I reach into my pocket and fiddle with the small velvet box. I'm planning on proposing tonight. I know she'll say yes, but that doesn't stop my nerves from getting the better of me. I just have to wait until the moment is perfect.

(Your POV)

I turn my gaze away from the Eiffel Tower and look back at Timothée, who has adoration written all across his face.

"It's beautiful," I say.

"Not as beautiful as you," Timothée says. I can already tell my cheeks are bright red, and I'm just glad it's too dark for him to notice.

I sit down on the blanket and scoot close to Timothée. He wraps one arm around my shoulder and pulls me close as he hands me a glass of wine. We sit in silence for a moment, embracing each other, eating chocolate, and admiring the view.

"What are you thinking right now?" I ask Timothée, curious as to what emotions he's experiencing.

"I'm thinking that I am the absolute luckiest man in the whole wide world to be sitting here with you right now. What are you thinking?"

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