Chapter 44: I want him

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Chapter 44: I want him

Jungkook was on his legal work, he needs to finish his work and he heard that he will meet V right now because Chanyeol sent Taehyung to him instead of going by himself. He also had to attend the board meeting.

"V, you have to go to Jungkook's office. I have a lot of work today and make sure only talk about work nothing else. Understood." Chanyeol ordered while they were in his office.

"Yes, boss." V replied, bowing his head.

"Okay, you can leave now." Chnayeol said.

V hums, leaving his office, and went outside. He got inside the car and started to drive. He arrived at Jungkook's company. He went inside the company.

"Hello, where can I see Jeon?" V asked when he went to the secretary's table.

Saicy scanned him head to toe. V simply waiting for her answer.

"You can follow me." Saicy said.

When he saw his secretary, he feels like she meet her before but he doesn't know where. He just shrugged it off and followed her. They arrived in Jungkook's office, Saicy was standing in front of the door with V behind her. 

"Mr. Jeon, Mr. Park's right hand is here." Saicy said, knocking on the door.

She was confused too but she was trying not to show it. She had been staying with Jeon company, she already saw Taehyung back then but she doesn't understand why Taehyung acted like that.

"Get him here." Jungkook replied inside his office.

"Okay, sir." Saicy replied.

Saicy told V to get inside, she opened the door and he went inside.

He still had a stern face while walking inside. Jungkook just looked at his eyes, trying to see the Taehyung he knew before.

"Nice to meet you, V." Jungkook said when he stood up, extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you again, Jeon." V solemnly retorted, shaking his hands with him.

"Have a seat." Jungkook said

V takes a seat and Jungkook did the same.

"Where are we going to start?" Jungkook asked, focusing on the PC instead of V's face.

"About the set up of the shipment." V replied.

"Okay, here's the contract, sign it up." Jungkook sighed.

They keep talking about the work that Chanyeol told V.

"Well, that's it for today. I'll tell Park about this. I hope he'll agree with the addition of the deal." V said.

"I hope so" Jungkook muttered still looking at the PC.

"I have to go, thank you for cooperating." V said and he stood up.

He was about to leave but Jungkook held his wrist.

"Wait" Jungkook uttered.

V looked at him then at his wrist. Jungkook knows what V means so he removes his hand from V's wrist.

"What do you want Jeon?" V asked with obvious boredom in his tone.

"A-are you sure? Hou doesn't remember me?" Jungkook asked with hoping eyes.

"What are you talking about Mr. Jeon? Do I know you?" V asked.

"It's me Jeon Jungkook, Your husband." Jungkook stated.

"Are you crazy? Your good looking but I'm sure I'm not gay, because I'm sure, I'm straight." V retorted disgusting.

"You aren't straight, we're married, and I have proof." Jungkook stated desperately.

"I'm right, Your crazy. Boss was right, your crazy asshole!" V grumbled.

"You want me to show it to you? Do you know who you are? Did your boss tell who are the real you?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, He told me that someone killed my parents. He shows evidence to me and you know what, I want to kill that someone." V groaned, glaring at him.

"I'm your husband, believe in me. I've known you for almost a year. We dated and you love me." Jungkook explained, he was desperate to get Taehyung back.

"I don't love you, better to stop your craziness because I'm not gay!" V retorted.

"Yes you are, you are freaking gay!" Jungkook growled and walk near to him.

Jungkook held V's arm tightly, V tried to remove it but Jungkook was much stronger than him even though he trained a lot.

"Let go of me, This is harassment." V fought back, pushing him away from him.

"I don't care, I want MY TAEHYUNG back, I want him! I hate you V! Just give me back my Taehyung! I want to see him! I want to feel him! Not like this, I saw him but the different him! I can't love you like this!" Jungkook growled, pushing V on the wall.

"If I'm YOUR Taehyung or not, better to move on because I won't love a guy who harassing me like this! If I'm gay for you, stop that shit because I love pussy than your dick!" V retorted, hissing when he got pinned on the wall with a loud impact.

"I don't love who you are right now, I hate it! I hate it, you're different! I love MY TAEHYUNG, the sweet and adorable not like you. He didn't kill anyone, he doesn't know about shit like this!

I-I lost him because of your boss but when you show to me, you changed. I will take you back to my old Taehyung! I don't want you! I want my Taehyung! G-give him back to me! I-I'm begging to you! Give him back!" Jungkook exclaimed, he didn't notice that his tears fell in his eyes.

Again, V felt a pang in his heart. He saw the familiar face, it was the same tears he saw in his dream. He doesn't know why but his heart clenched when he saw Jungkook crying in front of him.

He shouldn't feel this, right? He shouldn't have felt pain for the guy who killed his parents. But how? How he couldn't get hurt if he see him like this? He felt like he wants to hug him and comfort him but he can't do it. He's straight, right? He's not gay like what Jungkook told him. He shouldn't pity him. He sighed, pushing Jungkook away and he leave as if nothing happened.

October 21, 2021

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