Chapter Six

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"You weren't gonna tell us there was an intruder!"

We explained the events of last night as we were seated at our usually table in the eating area.

"We didn't want to freak you guys out!"

"Well I'm freaking out now!"

"Okayyy, calm down. Look there's no intruder! You said it yourself, they're not even one hundred percent sure what happened," Royce interrupted Xavier and Jett's whispered argument.

"What about the footsteps me and Aaron heard."

"That could of been anyone," Anya argued, "you act like everybody doesn't have footsteps."

"But everyone was supposed to be in their rooms!"

"Oh yeah, like you guys were?"

"Ugh, Whatever Anya."

"We can't just assume, if somethings going on we'll find out eventually just calm down."

"Anya's right we just-"

Royce stopped mid sentence, and we looked at him confused. His eyes glanced at something behind us and as I turn to look, I saw Dr. Harvey making his way to us.

"Royce, Aaron, and Jett," he gestured his head to his left before walking in that direction.

I looked over, to see them just as confused as I was. We then got up quickly, not wanting to get Dr. Harvey mad. He seems different today, more serious than usual and he's leading us in the opposite direction of his office.

Dr. Harvey stopped at the Meeting Hall and opened the door for us. I looked up at him confused, and the others probably shared the same expression. He said nothing but gesture for us to go in. He glanced at both sides of the hall before closing the door after us. We looked forward to find four others in the room already. Though I knew the faces of Ms. Myra who is one of the department leaders in inventory, Mrs. Vulcan who runs technology, and Mr. Hudson the leader of the transport department, the fourth was unfamiliar to me. He was a tall slim man that stood in the front of the room.

"There they are," he said as he spread his arms out to us as he stood from his seat. He then dropped them to his side before pushing up his glasses that rested on his long skinny nose, "I'm Anthony Rosario."

He then turned to the others before looking at some files asking, "so which ones did you bring?"

Ms. Myra smiled at us saying, "That's Royce, Aaron, and Jett."

"Oh..." we gave friendly smiles as he turned to look at us, "names... you gave them names."

All smiles dropped, and I looked at the others in the room trying to find any sign that this guy was joking.

Dr. Harvey cleared his throat, "boys," was all he said as he looked at our wrists then back at us.

"Subject 13201, sir," Royce read then looked at me.

I lifted my sleeve up to see the silver shine of the thick engraved information bracelet that rested on my wrist, "uh, Subject 13204"

I looked to see Jett glaring at Mr. Rosario, I gave a nudge and he huffed as he said "13205."

"Much better," he said, picking out three files from the ones in front of him, "now you see... we need a big big favor from you, and Dr. Harvey thinks you three are best for the job"

I looked over and made eye contact with Dr. Harvey, but he turned away, I pressed my lips together before turning back to Mr. Rosario.

"Now some of the details we don't want spreading around, so were going to tell you when everything's ready, but for now we're gonna need you to pack for a... lets say four to five day trip."

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