Chapter Eleven

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"Let's go," I grab the folder along with the tablet that laid underneath it.

Me and Xavier managed to make it to the transport center and looked around to try and find the others. Suddenly a van flashed it's headlights, we quickly made our way and rushed into the vehicle.

Anya turned from the passenger seat, "What'd you guys find?"

"I'll explain when we get out of here."

Royce started the car and speed towards the exit that was already wide open. When we made it out you could see two large vehicles on either side and a couple people dressed in all black. I guess none of them expected anyone to make it out cause they shouted in surprise and scrambled to get their weapons.

I felt the car go even faster and Royce said, "Get down."

Tiny pangs were heard from the bullets hitting the sides, the back window was shattered but we got away unharmed. 

Once the lab was far enough, Royce drove off rode making sure the car was hidden before putting the car in park.

We were all stunned about what just happened, I could still see the building but we weren't close enough to make me worried.

"Our trackers," Anya looked at Royce nervously feeling her forearm.

"We can take them out," he nodded at her before getting out the car and looking around.

He stood up and used a sharp rock to open his skin. The tracker wasn't that deep or big so he only cut what he had too. He messed with it hissing in pain until It finally came out. He dropped the tracker and stepped on it, then cut the end of his shirt to use as a bandage.

The rest of us got out the and followed his actions.

Once we were back in the car, Anya broke the silence, "Are you going to tell us what you found in Dr. Harvey's office."

I looked at the folder opening it to look at the few papers once again, "They've been collecting information on the other lab in Ohio.... Dr. Harvey was using it to find Jett."

"Oh my god"

"Can I see it," Royce asked, finding it too good to be true since we thought they had given up on Jett already.

While he looked through it I explained to the others what I saw in the folder, "The device we planted for them on our mission. They got a layout of the inside and made a map. Dr. Harvey wrote notes and even guessed where they could be keeping Jett."

"There's a list of several injections in here," Royce pointed out confused.

This time Xavier spoke up, "We think it's the injections and other inventory that was stolen... The night me and Aaron overheard talk about an intruder, that has to be a list of what they stole."

"I don't really care for the injections, we have to figure out a way to get Jett from there," Anya said.

"There was also this," I hold out a tablet, "I think it can pin Jett's exact location using his tracker but I don't know how to activate it."

Anya took it from my hands, "I'll try and figure it out."

"Where do we stay," Helena said, "The labs not really an option anymore and we shouldn't waste the transport money so fast."

"Maybe we can head halfway to the other lab, we can stay in the car, or find a place for cheap....we'll figure it out," Royce looked at us through the rear view mirror.

"Guy look!" Xavier was looking towards the lab that was now engulfed in flames.

"Oh my god"

"The Exposure Safeguard," I identified, it had to be.

The Exposure Safeguard is a plan all labs have. It's a safety measure in case authorities discover the labs work. It's basically self-annihilation to destroy the entire lab to get ride of any evidence that could be used against them. It makes it appear like it never existed.

"Do you think they did it or someone from our lab?," Helena asked, obviously  distraught by this whole situation.

"I don't know but either way it's gone," Xavier answered, "never thought I'd see the day."

"We should start going, Anya keep trying to get Jett's exact location, It'll be easier to find him in the other lab that way," Royce started the car and began driving.


We've been on the road for awhile now. I've switched places with Royce to give him a break, but he still hasn't fell asleep. He sat in the middle section of the van while Xavier and Helena slept in the back seats.

I tapped my fingers lightly on the steering wheel to some song I didn't know.

"I got it," Anya said trying not to wake up the other.

Royce jumped forward to get a look at the tablet while I glanced at the screen every once in awhile.

"I had to input by his subject number. It's so obvious I almost feel dumb," she explained.

"Don't, we didn't think of it either," I reassured.

"That's not the location we went to last time," Royce said in confusion, "That's not the lab."

"Who cares about the lab then, let's follow Jett's Tracker," I said, "Royce get some sleep, I'll have Xavier switch with me whenever he wakes up and we'll rotate.

This was good news yet my stomach tightened with anxiety. We had a layout of the other lab's ground but we know nothing about the location Jett is at now.

If Jett wasn't at the Ohio Lab, then where was he, and who's there with him.


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