Chapter Nine

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It's a strange feeling really. I was desperate to see the others, but at the same time I wanted to avoid them. I was scared for them to find out what happened, if we tell them it just makes it even more real and I'm not sure I can handle it.

Me and Royce ended up going back to the car for our stuff. After putting our bags down I walked with him as he sluggishly pulled Jett's belongings to his room. He left them by his door and we left quickly to find the others. It was hard being in there not knowing when or if he'll come back, and I guess Royce felt the same.

We stopped by each of our rooms till we found all three of them in Helena's room.

When we opened the door Anya and Xavier jumped up to hug us. Right away Xavier started taking.

"You guy's are back, Helena was just released this morning so she's still a little weak," He moved to stand by her and he put his hand on her shoulder as she leaned into him. She gave us a tired smile when she was mentioned but he continued, "so how'd it go?"

They seemed to notice something was off now that their full attention was now on me and Royce. We looked to each other, neither of us knowing how to start.

"Where's Jett ?" Anya's face looked like she already knew by the way we were acting.

I looked down, not being able to face them.

"They took him," Royce's voice wavering at the end.

"Who took him?" Anya stepped closer pressing for more information.

"We don't know," I forced the words out like they hurt.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Xavier tried to step closer but Helena grabbed his arm to keep him next to her, "What did you guy's even do out there?"

Royce sat in the chair that was near him, he slumped in it with his head in his hands.

I knew how hard he was taking this, so I did all the talking. I told them everything. The mission, the weird building...Jett, and how they made us leave him.

Helena comforted Anya as she tried not to cry. Xavier seemed to be sad and angry which I can understand.

"How does he just expect us to sit back and do nothing?" Xavier spat out to no one in particular.

"I'm going to try and talk to Dr. Harvey tomorrow. Let's hope Rosario is gone by then." Royce stood up. He went over to the girls, and squeezed Anya's shoulder lightly, "We're going to get him back."

"I promise." He looked at each of us, "After breakfast tomorrow meet in my room and I'll tell you guys how it goes, but we should get to bed now."

Me and Anya followed him out then said our goodbye's since his room was in the other direction.

"Do you think he's scared," Anya broke our silence.

I contemplated how to answer, knowing she probably just wanted to comfort her thoughts. I hope he's not, but anyone in that situation would be. When we stopped by her door I faced her, "I think wherever he is, he knows we'll do anything to get him back."

She gave me a small smile then hugged me, "I'm glad you guys are here."

With that said she walked in and shut the door after her. I wished she didn't tho.

I was alone know. I had Royce this whole time and now I was alone. I rushed to my room and it was like the air was pulled out of my lungs. I couldn't breathe. My vision began to blur and I didn't realize I was crying till I touched my face. Once I started crying I couldn't stop.

I wish it was me. I wish I was taken instead, that way I would know where he's at, I would know he's okay. But I wasn't and I don't, I was here and he was gone.

I never imagined losing him, or anyone for that matter, but now that I have, I can't imagine anything more painful that this.

It was the beginning of the longest night of my life. I'm surprised I even slept.

In the morning Royce left midway into breakfast to talk to Dr. Harvey like he said he would. We ate in silence and after we were done we went to his room like planned.

We waited awhile till he finally came. The anger immediately radiating off of him. He kicked the trash can by his door, sending it flying to the corner and making the papers from it fall out. Me and Xavier stood up to approach him.

"Royce what happened," I said sternly but carefully, I was scared for his answer.

He dragged his hand down his face, "Rosario was there, and apparently Dr. Harvey has no voice while he's around."

"What'd he say?" Anya said as she furrowed her eyebrows together.

"He said that they will continue looking for Jett when they get to it, but for now they have more important things to handle," Royce scoffed and he dropped onto his bed.

"More important things," Helena repeated with a bewildered tone.

"He can't be serious," I said knowing damn well he was.

"He also said that if we keep pestering them about it he'll drop the idea of a search completely," Royce added letting out a deep breath.

"They basically already gave up ! We have to do something," Xavier said shaking his head.

"There's not much we can do," the pain in Anya's voice evident, "All we can do is hope Dr. Harvey tries to convince him to look soon...he always had a soft spot for Jett."

"Yeah well I wouldn't put much faith in him anymore," I said. If he could stand up to Rosario, he would of done it already. He was a coward.

By the time they look for Jett It might be too late.


~Author's notes ~

I'll admit I wasn't really sure where the story was going so it was hard to update, but I recently had an idea and now I feel like I'm back on track so I will try and update more often.

I also really want to finish this book because I see people actually reading it, so thank you, I appreciate all of you. Sorry for being gone so long

- Alissa :)

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