{31} Performance

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Lemon's POV

"I'm beginning to have doubts."

"Oh no, why?" Charlotte asked with concern.

We were sitting together at a coffee shop halfway between our colleges and sharing a blueberry muffin and chocolate chip cookie. It was true, I was starting to rethink my decision of going to Paris for such an extended period of time. It would mean I'd have to take another year of undergraduate school to get my diploma, which was not exactly ideal.

"Just everything," I mumbled. "I've never been outside the country before. I don't think I even have a passport on file. I'm not sure I even deserve this. Your therapist friend just felt bad for what happened between me and the publisher." 

"You deserve it," Charlotte said without hesitation. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll still be supporting you from an ocean away. I can send letters!" I looked at her uneasily. "But we'll have a back-up plan. I can facetime you every night."

"That's a hefty phone bill," I remarked.

"I'll text!" Charlotte suggested.

"Okay, but I still don't know if I'm ready," I said quickly. I looked her straight in the eye. "I don't think I'm ready, Char."

"I know you are. But even if you're not, you have so much time to get there," she assured me, placing her hand on my arm.

"Okay okay, but enough about me. If you're no longer pursuing oncology, what are thinking of doing?" I watched as Charlotte scrunched her face up in surprise. I wondered if she'd thought about it before today.

"Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing," she replied. "If it makes you feel better, you're the president of having their shit together compared to me."

I nudged her shoulder encouragingly. "Keep thinking about it. If there's anything about you that never fails to impress me, it's how well-rounded and naturally gifted you are. You could be anything," I said seriously, smirking as her ears turned red in response.

"I'll think about it," she conceded finally. "By the way, don't you have a class right now?"

"Shoot!" I exclaimed, grabbing my coffee and standing up quickly. As I sprinted to the nearest subway station, I heard Charlotte's adorable laughter echo behind me.

Charlotte's POV

The advisor looked up at me cautiously as I entered the room. Last time we talked, I'd almost had a mental breakdown in front of her. Just discussing my abandoned dream of becoming an oncologist still brought tears to my eyes.

"Hey Charlotte," she said softly. "How are you doing?"

"Better," I said, laughing quietly and instantly relieving the tension in the room. "I won't scream or break anything if that's what you mean."

She chuckled in response. "That's good to hear. As you know, advisors are scheduled to meet with students right before second semester begins to confirm their classes and predicted majors."

"I want to be a pediatrician," I blurted out suddenly. And as I said it, I knew it was true. "I want to stay in the medical field, but I want to specifically help children. I have a younger brother at home who I love so much. If I had the chance to help others like him, it would mean the world to me."

The advisor nodded, surprised by my sudden decisiveness. "That sounds perfect, Charlotte," she said, smiling. "And because you're only a freshman, you have so much time to get the pre-med credits necessary to get into a great medical school. I'll send you an email later today with course recommendations for the following years. Thank you, Charlotte."

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