{4} Injury

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Charlotte's POV

When I woke up the next morning, the pain in my shoulder hadn't subsided. In fact it was worse. That wasn't good. My mom was coming home in 4 days and I couldn't let everything fall apart until then.

I had gotten less than 2 hours of sleep last night. My baby brother kept waking up in the night, crying for his mother. As I prepared a bowl of oatmeal for Will, I established my plan for the day. I would drop Will off at day care and go to school, and then after school I would tutor Jackson Matthews.

Jackson Matthews. After finding out that I tutored other students at our school, he had called me a couple of days ago to schedule a session. I always got a weird vibe from him, like maybe he liked me or something, but I wasn't completely sure. I guess I would find out soon enough.

I walked into the room that me and my brother shared with each other. At five years old, he already snored just like his mom. "Willy, time to wake up," I whispered softly.

He sat up quickly. Sometimes I forgot what a light sleeper he was. "Oh hi, Char-Char," he said rubbing his eyes and smiling. "Am I going to daycare today?"

"Yes, you are," I said sympathetically.

"Aww, I hate daycare," he pouted. "Please don't make me go." Sometimes I wished I could take him far away from here, somewhere safe where he didn't have to worry about the pain of our lives.

"Stop complaining," I teased as I ruffled his curly-brown hair. "Give it a try. Maybe today will be different," I said partly to him, but mostly to myself. "Just one step at a time."

Lemon's POV

I took extra long getting ready for school today. As I put on another outfit for seemingly the hundredth time, I realized how utterly ridiculous this was. Why bother trying to be cute for a girl I had zero chance with? I sighed, settling for a blue button-down with torn black jeans. 

"What's taking you so long Lu-Lu Lemon?" my dad called from downstairs. He had been calling me that since I was too young to remember. I found it as annoying as it was endearing.

"Nothing!" I called back, brushing my teeth hastily. Now I was going to be late! Crap!

My first period of the day was PE, my least favorite class by far. Partly because I sucked at anything involving or related to sports, but mostly because Cathy wasn't there to share my misery with.

What made it worse was that Charlotte was there to watch me embarrass and make an utter fool of myself. I had fallen while playing football, while running laps, and once when I was just standing. I literally tripped and fell while standing in place.

Luckily, today was volleyball day, the only sport I was sort of decent at. One of the most uncomfortable parts of PE was when the coach picked team captains. I was unsurprisingly always one of the last people to get selected. I mean I couldn't blame them. Once I did score on my own goal during soccer. I lost track of which side was which.

Of course today was the day Charlotte was chosen to be team captain. This was so humiliating. I knew my name wasn't going to be called for a very long time.

"Lemon!" came the familiar voice to my great surprise. As I walked in stunned silence towards Charlotte, she gave me an energetic high five.

I was her first choice.

I couldn't stop smiling as everyone else was called up. It felt so good to be on the other side. 

"I know you're a beast when it comes to volleyball," Charlotte said, laughing at my obvious moment of happiness. "I figured I didn't want to pass up the chance to have you on my team."

I could feel the heat rising in my face. How did she know I was good at volleyball? Had she been watching me?

Another thing about Charlotte was that she was super competitive, whether it was softball or any sort of challenge. I found it really cute. So I wasn't surprised when she showed great enthusiasm whenever our team scored a point. 

Jackson was on the opposing team. It was so obvious that he liked Charlotte. I could see it in the way he smiled every time she laughed and how he would just stare at her for a long time before looking away, embarrassed. Of course I understood. I understood better than most. 

As Charlotte was going for a serve I saw her wince before connecting with the ball. That was weird. Was she hurt? 

One of her friends saw it too. "You okay Char?"

"Yeah, of course," she replied calmly. "I think I messed up my shoulder during the game a couple days ago," she said shrugging and wincing again. I quickly stopped eavesdropping.

How was she even at school today? She was sick and she was hurt. How far could she go without breaking?

Charlotte's POV

As I went in for a set, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as a barely held in a yelp. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Something was badly wrong but I didn't want to stop. I had to keep going, I had to pretend everything was all right.

I could tell people were beginning to take notice, Lemon most of all. I couldn't look into her concerned eyes or I was afraid I'd give in to the pain. And I couldn't give in, not yet.

To my great relief the bell rang, signaling the end of PE. In the chaos to get to the locker rooms, someone accidentally bumped into my arm. I felt a excruciating pain deep in my shoulder as I felt my knees give way.

Lemon's POV

I watched in horror as Charlotte fell to the ground, clutching her arm. Someone had bumped into her on their way to the locker rooms. A group of people had begun to form a crowd around her.

"Don't just stand there!" someone shouted. "Get the coach!"

I wanted to help, but I felt completely powerless. The coach quickly came over, asking what was wrong. I could tell how much he cared for her by the worry written all over his face. She seemed to leave that type of impression on most people.

I watched as the coach helped her to her feet, supporting her as they walked to his office. They would probably call Charlotte's parents to come over and drive her to the hospital. Even though it seemed like she was going to be just fine, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong.

I couldn't concentrate the entire day. I could tell Cathy knew what was up by her uncharacteristic politeness and the absence of her talkative self. Jackson also seemed pretty distraught. He was probably planning on asking her out to prom today. I felt disgusted with myself as a small surge of relief filled me at the thought of his promposal being derailed.

As I was leaving school at the end of the day, my phone buzzed.

This is Charlotte. I need to ask you a favor.

I responded quickly

Yes, anything!

I need someone to pick up my brother Will from daycare today in 10 minutes. I'll attach the daycare and my address. I can't thank you enough!

As I replied that I would, I couldn't help wondering: Why me? She had like a hundred friends who probably knew her address. Why choose me?  I needed to know that she was fine.

Are you okay? What happened to your arm?

But she didn't answer. She was understandably preoccupied. As I changed my route to the daycare center where Will was at, I felt like a woman on a mission. I had made a promise to Charlotte Black, and I was going to follow through with it no matter what.

If there was anything to know about me, it was that I never break promises.


Are you guys more of a Lemon or a Charlotte? 

I'm more introverted and shy like Lemon, but I love sports like Charlotte!

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