{13} Dear Charlotte,

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Written here is a series of unanswered letters from Lemon to Charlotte, dating from May of 2020 to August of 2021.

May 6th, 2020

Dear Charlotte,

Hey, it's Lemon! Of course you probably already knew that by now. Ever since you left 10 days ago, I cannot stop thinking about you. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes. Basically everything about you. I hope you're having a good enough time in Miami. How is your mom? I started writing like you said, and honestly it's freakin' amazing. It's been a couple years since I've actually written for fun, but now I wish I never stopped. Just the feeling when I'm putting my thoughts on paper is indescribable. Thank you for always believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. Also, I found a song I think you'll like. It's called "Honey" by Kehlani. I miss you so much. When I see you again, oh boy do I have a lot to tell you. I can't believe we're almost seniors now! Well anyway, I'll stop my cheesy rambling. I love you... so much! I can't wait for the day I get to see you again.



June 6th, 2020

Dear Charlotte,

I'm not sure you got my first letter, but here's another one for you! How's Miami going? It's about the same old here, nothing new really. I just hope you're okay. Anyways, school gets out in a week! I'm not sure what the calendar is like for Miami, but honestly I'm so happy to finally be free. I got my grades up, surprisingly.  My family is planning on traveling to the East coast to visit colleges. I mentioned NYU and they were ecstatic. I also suggested a vacation to Miami, but my parents aren't big fans of tropical weather. At least I tried. Sometimes I imagine what summer would be like with you here. With that amount of time, we could go to Seattle at least 5 days a week! Or just drive for hours, going nowhere in particular. I also started playing the guitar again. I actually wrote a song for you. It's called "Miami Sucks." I'm just kidding. It's actually called "Her Eyes." I miss you so much! 



December 15th, 2020

Dear Charlotte,

I GOT IN! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I was shaking so much when I opened up the envelope. I was almost certain I was going to get a big fat rejection letter. But I didn't! I screamed for about thirty minutes afterwards. My parents thought I was dying. My mom thinks part of it is because I submitted a creative writing supplement with my application which helped me stand out from the crowd. I'm in complete shock. I still can't believe it. And guess what? I wrote the original copy of my essay on the typewriter you gave me. That thing is magical, I swear. After I got the news, I did the sprinkler. It reminded me of that time we danced together during the Spring Formal all those years ago. No offense Char, but you're a pretty awful dancer. I still love you though. Anyways, I just wish you were there with me when I opened the letter. I'm sure you'll make it into wherever you decide to apply. I mean why wouldn't you? You're the smartest, most driven person I've ever met. Wow, my head is still spinning. I'M GOING TO BE A BOBCAT!



February 14th, 2021

Dear Charlotte,

You're probably super busy, so I'll keep this one brief. Happy Valentine's Day my love! You might not receive this till later, but I just wanted to tell you that I haven't stopped missing you since the day you left. This Valentine's Day has definitely been a hard one, and I've experienced a lot of hard Valentine's Days, but I'll get through it. Also, I just learned that Paris is the city of love. Let's go there someday.



April 9th, 2021

Dear Charlotte,

Today marks the exact moment when I fell in love with you. I had a crush on you for several painful years, don't get me wrong. But it was on this day that I realized just how special you were. You surprised me by asking if I could take care of Will when you were in the hospital after your injury. You came home a little woozy from the medications they gave you, but you opened up to me. Do you remember? On that day, I saw how strong you were. I kept asking myself: How can a 16 year-old girl single-handedly hold her entire family together? But you did. Charlotte, you defy all odds, no matter how high they're stacked against you. It was thanks to you that I found my voice, and it will be thanks to you that I'll be attending my dream college in the fall. 



PS: Jackson just proposed to Cathy. They're planning on getting married next spring. It's a little bit premature in my opinion, but I mean it's Jackson and Cathy. Once they set their mind to anything, there's no turning back. God, I love them so much. It feels like we're all growing up too quickly. I just wish time would slow down for a minute.

August 21st, 2021

Dear Charlotte,

I still haven't wrapped my mind around any of this. All my stuff is packed up, and ready to go. My parents have been crying a lot lately. Even my dad. I can't believe this is my last day in Washington. I know you're probably not going to write me back, and it's okay. I just want you to know that I'm happy. That I'm ready for this next big step in my life, and I could never have done this without you. Today was definitely a Big Mac kind of day. I went to the McDonald's where I kissed you for the first time. You were my first kiss, and my first love Char. Once I get to New York, I might be too busy to keep writing you. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always love you.




Here is the song Lemon was talking about :)

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