{27} Mending Fences

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Charlotte's POV

"Welcome home, Char," a loud voice called, disturbing my sleeping thoughts and causing me to wake up with a start. My vision cleared to reveal my father standing in the doorway with a knowing smirk on his face. I realized I was laying on top of the letters that I'd fallen asleep reading last night. 

"What time is it?" I asked, groaning audibly. I wasn't completely thrilled with being woken up after such a late night.

"Like 10 am, come and hang out with us! I want to get all my Charlotte time in before you leave in a few days," he said, laughing. Though things were far from perfect between my dad and I, our relationship had made extensive progress throughout the last year. After all, the three of us only had each other.

"Okay," I finally conceded. "Just give me a second to get ready."

"Long night?" he questioned with a grin.

"How did you know?" 

"The letters," he replied with a sigh. 

"Why did she do this?" I asked seriously, my eyes searching his.

"I don't think we'll ever know," he responded after some thought. "But there's no point in dwelling on it, right?"

I nodded reluctantly, gathering up the letters and returning them to the box in which they came. My father left the room silently. As I put my hair up in a messy ponytail, I promised myself that I wouldn't think about my mother's betrayal again. My father was right, there was no point in sulking around.

I entered the kitchen, the smell of bacon drifting into my nose and making me smile. "Char-Char!" Will called out excitedly.

"What happened to my vegetarian brother?" I joked.

"I just couldn't resist!" he said, looking at the floor with an ashamed smile on his face.

I ruffled his hair affectionately. "It's okay Will, it's the thought that counts." I watched as my father walked around the kitchen, whistling as he cooked. "Why the good mood?" I asked. "Did something happen at work?"

"On the contrary," he responded.  "Something happened outside of work."

"Now I'm curious."

"But I'm not ready to disclose it just yet," he continued, winking at me while he retrieved two plates from the cabinet. That was strange, I thought to myself as I wondered what exactly was elevating his mood. "I'm going to go to the barber's right now for a cut. Do you think you can take care of Will while I'm gone?"

"Definitely!" I answered immediately, growing excited at the prospect of us spending the day together. "Although I'm slightly confused, given that you don't have any hair to cut."

"Very funny, Char," he replied, rolling his eyes. After placing two plates of bacon and eggs on the table, he got his coat from the rack next to the front door. "I'm so happy you're home safe," he said genuinely, his eyes glinting slightly.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "You're going to be late!" I called to his retreating form. I turned to Will when I heard the sound of the door shutting behind him. "So what were you thinking for a perfect day with your amazing sister? The zoo, Gamestop, Grandma's?"

"Mom," he answered immediately. "I want to see Mommy."

"Mom?" I repeated, completely stunned. "You want to go to the cemetery, Will?"

"Yes," he replied with determination in his voice. "Today is Saturday and I have to talk to her about my week."

"Okay," I responded hesitatingly. "Let's go."

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