Laugh and We'll let You Join the Fun

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The cafeteria was located on the first floor of the school building, situated between the two wings that housed the students of Lee Academy. For breakfast and supper, it was laid out with tables seating nine persons, enabling each section to have their own table, accompanied by their housemother. For the morning and evening meals, the room was "divided" in half, with all the girls occupying one half and the boys the other half. For lunch, the tables were rearranged so that each homeroom would sit at the same table. This meant that 16 students plus their homeroom teacher sat at each table. It also meant, because homerooms and classes were coed, that, this time, both girls and boys shared the same table.

As Beth and her teacher entered the cafeteria and walked to their table, the twins were still smarting from their spankings, as well as blushing from seeing the looks from other students, who had watched or heard them get spanked. As they sat down on the wooden chairs, they both winced and felt the aftereffects of the spanking they received. Prior to getting their meals, they heard from the Principal and her assistants, who were in charge of each grade. Once that was done, each student got up to get their meals. Both twins had to endure some teasing, including from some who only knew about the spankings by overhearing comments to them, but only from other seventh graders. Students from the other grades restrained themselves from commenting to the twins on what happened to them. Perhaps because of what was about to happen. As the twins sat down, they noticed a small commotion across the way in the girls' section. The twins, as well as many others, saw two girls get up and go to their housemother who seemed to be scolding them. The two seventh grade girls happened to be two of the students that had teased the twins about being spanked.

As the twins began to eat, they noticed that the housemother had gotten up and taken both girls by their ears and then began walking them toward their table. Both girls were wincing from the pain of having their ears being grabbed and were nearly in tears as they approached the twins' table and their housemother addressed Beth.

"Miss Ashley, these two naughty girls have something to say to these two boys, don't you girls?"

Both girls looked like they wanted to be somewhere else, but to their housemother's question, they had no choice in the matter. One of the girls, Lauren, was the first to speak.

"I...I'm sorry for teasing you. I hope you forgive me."

The other girl followed with her own apology.

"Me too, I am sorry, I didn't mean it."

Both boys kind of blushed from the attention, but in just a few minutes, the attention would be shifted to the two girls.

"Now that you have apologized, young ladies, there's still the matter of your punishment. I think it is only fitting that you experience the same thing you teased the boys about, don't you girls?"

Their housemother's question and pronouncement of their punishment, brought protest and pleading from the girls.

"Please, not here!! Everyone will see!! Oh no!!"

It was a lost cause though and their arguments were tossed aside, by their housemother.

"It didn't bother you enough to refrain from teasing them, did it? Well then, it shouldn't bother you when it's your turn to get spanked, so no more arguing, unless, of course, you want a repeat at supper time?"

Both twins stood there, now silenced by the threat of another spanking. Then, their housemother asked Beth for assistance.

"Beth, so we can get this over with, could you take one?"

"Sure, Marie,....young lady, over to me, please."

Indicating to one girl to come over to her, Beth stood up and turned her chair around. Meanwhile, Marie went over to Billy and asked for his chair, which Billy very quickly gave up. Marie grabbed the ear of the other girl and took her over to Billy's chair and sat down. She quickly turned her girl across her knees, as Beth did the same with the girl she was about to punish. Then practically at the same time, both girls had their gray skirts flipped up, leaving their white panties on display. If the girls thought they had any chance of not suffering the further embarrassment of having their behinds bared, that was quickly dashed when waistbands were grabbed and both pairs of panties were tugged down to the girls' knees.

Then Marie pulled out a hairbrush that she had in her pocketbook and Beth did the same. Quickly, the spankings began, and the sound of hairbrushes smacking bare bottoms resounded through the cafeteria as the rest of the students were quiet watching the scene being played out in front of them. Unfortunately, for some of the students perhaps, not everyone could see what was happening, but everyone could hear the dual spankings. As the spanks began to accumulate, the sounds of the spanks was quickly accompanied by the sound of both girls crying, the intensity of which increased as the pain of the spanking grew. 50 spanks later, both girls were sobbing as the spankings ended. As the girls lay there, across the knees of the housemothers, the twins felt satisfaction and perhaps relief that they weren't the only ones that were or would be publicly spanked.

For the girls, it was a shock, perhaps because, unlike Beth's section, they did not get warning spankings. But if they thought their housemother would be a pushover, those thoughts had to be discarded because of the quick and sharp response to their teasing.

When the girls' spanking ended, the girls had to endure further embarrassment because Marie reached down and removed the girls' panties. As Marie did that, she looked over to Beth, and indicated that she should do the same. Because the panties had ended up at the girls' ankles, neither girl had realized what their punisher had done. At least not yet. The next thing that Marie did was also not immediately noticed.

Marie had reached back into her pocketbook and pulled out two safety pins, handing one to Beth. She then, followed also by Beth, pinned up the back of the skirt of the girl that was across her knees. Then, she addressed both girls.

"OK, girls, off our knees. Don't you even think of teasing anyone for being spanked."

As the girls got off their punisher's knees, they went to pull their panties up and were shocked to find them missing. Then they realized their skirts had not fallen down in back, leaving their bottoms still bare and on display. They both began to reach back, as if to pull the back of their skirts down.

"No, girls, they won't come down. And don't even think of covering up or rubbing your bottoms. When lunch is over, I'll unpin your skirts, but I'll return your panties at bedtime. Now, back to the table, quickly, we've taken up enough of Beth's section's time already. Move!"

At Marie's command, the two girls, blushing deeply, quickly went back to their table, aware of most everyone looking at their red bottoms, and sat down, wincing as they did. Only then did the silence from all the other students turn to the usual murmuring that accompanied a mealtime.

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