How Bad Do You Want It?

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I'm writing again, this story just doubled in length with 5 new chapters. I know this story is well liked and I am invested now, but I want to from now on drop 5 chapters at a time, (I've written a good bit in advance) because of how many chapters will be coming out at a time, I'm going to wait for engagement to be high. If you want new chapters, engage with the book, add it to reading lists, comment your thoughts, I want to engage with my community, and when I see the community building I'll drop more chapters for everyone to enjoy!

The second day at Lee Academy was a quiet one for Beth and her section. Unlike the previous day and a half, not one of the boys in her section had to go across her lap to be spanked, which was welcome news for Beth.

It was the evening and Beth was in her room, lounging on her bed, watching television when she heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was one of her boys, she had a feeling of annoyance come over her as she got up and went to the door to open it. To her surprise and, for a moment, a little concern, it was not one of the boys in her section, but Mrs. Donovan, the school's Headmaster.

"Hello Miss Ashley, may I come in?"

"Oh...of course, please, come in."

"Thank you, Miss Ashley. Since this is your second year as housemother, I would like to call you "Beth" rather than "Miss Ashley". I hope that is all right with you. I feel that I have gotten to know more of you since you started here a year ago."

"I would be proud for you to call me "Beth."

"Well, Beth, I won't take up too much of your personal time, but the reason for my visit is to congratulate you on the firm hand you have displayed so far this school year. I know the school year has only just started, but I am sure that the steps you have taken will make the year a successful one, both for you and your section."

"Thank you, Mrs. Donovan. I am glad you feel that way. I... hope that this year will go much smoother than last year."

Mrs. Donovan chuckled, "Yes, I am sure you do. As do I. It's very impressive the way you have made clear to your section that you will not tolerate bad behavior. This year, you have used your home experience in a very positive manner."

Beth blushed, but was appreciative of her boss's remarks. "Thanks, Mrs. Donovan, I am really trying."

"I know you are, Beth. Well, I won't take up more of your time. Have a good evening, Beth."

They exchanged goodbyes and Beth went back and laid back down on her bed, thinking to herself how much more pleasant this talk with Mrs. Donovan was...

A few weeks of the school year had passed, and Beth was tired and worried. She thought she would enjoy her job, but somehow, it has not worked out that way. As much as she had tried to help her students and be their friend, for whatever reason, her boys were being anything but friendly. In fact, if she was honest with herself, they were brats.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking. Wondering what kind of mischief was being perpetrated by one of her students or by a group of them, she sighed and got up to open the door. To her surprise, it was not one of the boys in her section, but Mrs. Donovan, the school's Headmaster. Mrs. Donovan was an imposing woman, tall and looking like she would brook no nonsense.

"Hello Miss Ashley, may I come in?"

"Oh...of course, please, come in."

"Thank you, Miss Ashley." Mrs. Donovan looked around, and then walked over to the stool and sat down, making her even more imposing.

"Tell me, Miss Ashley, do you like your job?"

Beth was somewhat flustered. "Yes....yes, I do."

"Good, I am glad you feel that way. However, I am very concerned about what is happening in your section. I have been getting complaints from teachers, and even other housemothers, who feel your boys are out of control."

Lee AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon